Dr. Carola Cerami

Research Fellow of History of International Relations


Personal profile:

2001 - Degree in History of European Integration at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the University of Pavia (110/110 magna cum laude). Supervisor: Prof. Ilaria Poggiolini.
2002 - Master in International Cultural Management, University of Genoa and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Fellowship at the National Italian Commission of the UNESCO (Rome)
2003 - 2007 Ph.D in International History, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Milan. Doctoral thesis: “Ten years of relations between Turkey and the European Community (1973- 1983)” . Supervisor: Prof. Ilaria Poggiolini.
Doctoral research conducted at the National Archives (London); Historical Archives of the European Union (having obtained a “Sorensen grant” by the Archives) (Florence); Historical Archives of the European Commission, Historical Archives of the European Council (Bruxelles)
2005 -2007 Member of the research unit directed by Prof. Ilaria Poggiolini at the University of Pavia on: “A Common European destiny and identity beyond the borders of the Cold War? British ‘Ostpolitik’ and the new battlefield of ideas in Eastern Europe (Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia) 1984-92”. The Pavia unit is part of a national research project on: “The End of the Cold War or the irresistible advance of globalization? In search of a new interpretation paradigm for the transformation of the international system, 1985-1992” (National coordinator: Prof. Leopoldo Nuti - University of Roma Tre)
2007-present Post - doctoral fellowship (University of Pavia)


- Cerami Carola, Guida alle fonti di documentazione europea in rete, Edizioni ETS, Pisa, 2005.

- “Le principali risorse online per la storia dell’integrazione europea: proposte per la ricerca in rete”, in MEMORIA E RICERCA. Rivista di Storia Contemporanea, Franco Angeli, n. 19, 2005.
- “La Turchia e la Comunità Europea negli anni ’70: come superare il modello interpretativo dell’”avvicinamento-allontanamento” in A. Varsori (a cura di), Alle origini del presente. L’Europa occidentale nella crisi degli anni Settanta, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007.

Areas of Interest and Research:

Europe-Turkey relations; US-Turkey relations; European integration and the history of enlargement; Transatlantic relations from the years of détente to the 1980s; European cultural cooperation and civil society.

Latest update: 29 December 2007