Personal profile:
in History of International Relations at the Faculty of Political
Science "Carlo Bo", University of Urbino (21/06/01).
Title: "United States and the Middle East in the Sixties:
oil "weight" in the geopolitical goals of the Johnson
Administration". Supervisor: Prof. Massimiliano Guderzo.
PhD in History of International Relations at the Faculty of Political
Science "Cesare Alfieri", University of Florence, with
a thesis titled: "La collaborazione militare transatlantica:
tra mercato unico NATO e soluzioni nazionali, 1985-2001".
Supervisor: Prof. Ennio Di Nolfo (2002-2005).
Teaching Assistant in History of International Relations at the
Faculty of Political Science, University "Carlo Bo"
of Urbino (2002- onwards).
- "L'aéronautique militaire
en Europe, entre intégrations européenne et atlantique
depuis les années 50", Strasbourg, Université
Robert Schuman, 2007.
Areas of Interest:
- Europe;
- NATO & Transatlantic Studies.