Born in Rome, 02/11/1979
2003 � Degree in History of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Perugia (110/110 cum laude). Degree thesis devoted to the NATO Double-Track decision and the so-called Second Cold War. Tutor Prof. Fulvio D'Amoja.
2006-2008 � Ph.D. in History of International Relations at the University of Florence. PhD thesis devoted to the domestic and international dimensions of the Solidarnosc crisis . Tutor Prof. Ilaria Poggiolini, Director Prof. Massimiliano Guderzo.
October-November 2006 � Internship at the Lomonosov University (MGU), Faculty of Journalism (Moscow).
Currently � Fellowship at the Luigi Sturzo Institute (Rome). Research project entitled �The Italian Ostpolitik in Giulio Andreotti's foreign policy: between European vocation and political pragmatism�.
Languages: Italian; French; English; Russian; Polish (elementary proficiency).
�La Naissance d'une �Ostpolitik' de l'Europe de l'Ouest au début des années '70 comme résultat d'une nouvelle solidarité européenne�, in L'Europe en Formation. Eurosklerosis or Europeanisation? European Integration in the Times of Helmut Schmidt and Valéry Giscard d'Estaing , Nice, Fall 2009.
�British Ostpolitik and Polish Westpolitik: Push and Pull diplomacy�, in Journal of European Integration History. The revival of civil society in Eastern Europe: East and West perspectives and the British role , v.15, n.2, 2010.
�L'Ostpolitik italiana nella politica estera di Andreotti: tra propensione europeista e realismo politico�, in Giulio Andreotti: l'uomo, il cattolico, lo statista , Rubbettino, 2011 (forthcoming).
Conference papers:
�Poland opens to the West: Polish-German diplomacy and Market Socialism (1970-1976)�. Paper presented at the 9th Aleksanteri Conference �Cold War Interactions Reconsidered�, Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, 29-31 October, 2009.
�CFSP origins and European Détente: a Common European stance on the Polish crisis of 1980-1981�. Paper presented at the 6th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Colloquium,
University of Reading , 15-16 April 2010.
"La Polonia in una nuova Europa. Le prospettive
della diplomazia polacca negli anni '70" (working title),
Roma, ed. Periferia (forthcoming).