• Born in Bologna, 19/09/1969
• 1998: Laurea at the University of Florence, 110/100 cum
laude - Title of the dissertation: Poland 1939
• 2003: Ph.D. in History of International Relations (2003)
at the University of Florence - Title of the dissertation:
International conflict and coal. Polish-German case study in the
inter-war period. Upper Silesia
• 2003-2004: post-doctoral fellowship
• Teacher of “Contemporary Italy”, “History
of Italy Under Fascism”, “Contemporary European History”
and “International Politics” at Lorenzo de’
Medici (Florence)
• Teacher of “Contemporary Italy” for University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Florence
• 2006-2007: Tutor of History of International Relations
at Istituto di Ricerche e Studi Internazionali (IRSI- Florence)
• 2006-2007: Professor of History of International Relations
at the Florence University
• “Giorno per giorno la vita dell’Unione”
and “Politiche e istituzioni” in G. Mammarella, P.
Cacace, L’Europa del 2000 - Idee e fatti, Firenze,
Le Lettere, 2001;
• Jagellonian Federation - Inter Maria - Third
Europe, in “Storia delle relazioni internazionali”,
Anno XIV, 1999/2 (with dr. Annalisa Lombardo)
• Il carbone della Slesia e i rapporti tra Germania e Polonia
tra le due guerre in Diplomazia delle risorse. Le materie prime
e il sistema internazionale nel Novecento, Atti del Convegno internazionale,
Urbino 11-12 dicembre 2001, Firenze, Polistampa, 2004.
• Martin Luther King. L’uomo che sognava l’uguaglianza
fra i bianchi e i neri, Milano, Mondadori Electa, 2004 (also pubblished
in Netherlands in 2005, in Spain and Greece in 2007).
• La Polonia e la transizione negoziata, Palomar, n. 21,
4/2004, Firenze, Le Lettere.
• Poland 1939, to be published (2007).