Dr. Maria Grazia Enardu

Researcher of History of International Relations


Personal profile:

Laurea (University of Florence, 1974). Junior Associate Member at St. Antony's College, Oxford, 1975-76.Researcher at the University of Florence, 1982. Dr. Enardu coordinates and is responsible for the wide network of exchange programs of which the Department is the center, including the Erasmus, Socrates, and Tempus-Phare programs.


  • Palestine in Anglo-Vatican Relations, 1936-'39, Firenze, CLUSF, 1980.
  • La rivolta palestinese del 1936-'39 secondo le fonti d'archivio inglesi, "Alifba", 5, 1985.
  • L'immigrazione illegale ebraica verso la Palestina e la politica estera italiana, 1945-'48, in "Storia delle relazioni internazionali", 1, 1986.
  • Una politica per l'oriente: due visioni a confronto, in E. Di Nolfo, R. Rainero, B. Vigezzi (a c. di), L'Italia e la politica di potenza, Milano, Marzorati, 1988.
  • Rodolfo Mosca il polemista, Pécs, Janus Pannonius, 1991.
  • L'aliyah beth dall'Italia, 1945-'48, Roma, Ministero Beni Culturali, 1991.
  • A different role for Europe in the Middle East: Italy's experience, in AA.VV., Europe 1945-990s. The End of an Era, London, MacMillan, 1995.

Areas of Interest:

History of the Middle East in the 20th Century; history of Israel.

Last update: 10 June 2004