Dr. Mauro Campus

Research Fellow


Personal profile:

Mauro Campus is a post doctorate fellow at the Dipartimento di Studi sullo Stato at the «Cesare Alfieri» Political Science Faculty of the University of Florence. He received his Ph.D. in International a History from the University of Florence where he also taught as assistant professor.
His “Laurea” was awarded by the Florentine Faculty of Political Science, defending a dissertation on “The Accomplishment of the European Recovery Program in Italy” (supervised by Ennio Di Nolfo), which won the “Valerio Finardi” award for the best International History dissertation.
He received his MA in International Studies from Istituto di Ricerche e Studi internazionali (2005). From 2001 to 2003 he worked as graduate research assistant at the research project of the Istituto Nazionale per il Commercio Estero: La ricostruzione della memoria storica dell’Istituto Nazionale del Commercio Estero.

His research focuses on the history of transatlantic economic relations and the historical and theoretical study of international politics in the 20th century. He is currently working on a history of the demise of the European international system prior to World War II, which reappraises the American pursuits of a New World Order and explores their contributions to the emergence of the new international system.

Under the support of National Research Council grant (CNR-Promozione ricerca 2005) he is completing a study related to Italian foreign economic policy in the 1950s. He conducted post-doctoral research with the Banca d’Italia Historic Research Department and he is a contributor and reviewer at the Annali della Società italiana per lo studio della Storia contemporanea (Sissco), Affari Esteri, Passato e Presente, L’Indice.

He has participated as a speaker at national and international conferences and has lectured at the Bank of Italy, the Fondazione Einaudi, the Johns Hopkins University of Washington DC, the Center for International Studies of the University of Chicago, and the Universities of Firenze, Padova, Roma “La Sapienza”, Torino, Trieste and Urbino.

He is a member of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations.

He won the Achille D. Taverna Prize awarded by the Fondazione De Gasperi in 2006.


- M. Campus, L'Italia gli Stati Uniti e il piano Marshall, 1947-1951, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2008.
- M. Campus, a cura di, G. Are, Stato e mercato nella modernizzazione italiana. Scritti di Storia Contemporanea, Lungro, Marco 2009.
- M. Campus, Le premesse del terzo tempo: la trasformazione strutturale dell'economia atlantica e l'Italia dal 1948 al 1950, in “Annali della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi”, XLI-2007; [2008]; pp. 147-187.
- M. Campus, Il Country Study del 1949. Fattori interni e internazionali, Quaderno dell’Ufficio Ricerche Storiche della Banca d’Italia, Numero 3 ns, Roma, Banca d’Italia, (Forthcoming 2010).
- M. Campus, The Industrial Consequences of Italy's Rearmament Plan in 1950. New Perspectives on American Pursuit of Italian Economic Stability after World War II, in “The Journal of American History”, (Forthcoming 2010).
- M. Alacevich-M. Campus, A Listening Lender: the World Bank Loans to Italy in the early 1950s, (Finished Paper Under Revision).

Areas of Interest:

- Transatlantic Studies;
- Studies on Globalization;
- United States 20th century foreign relations;
- Italian 20th century history.

Latest update: 25 November 2009