Date of Birth: 31 October 1977
Place of Birth: Erice (Trapani Sicily Italy)
Residence: Palermo, Viale Regina Margherita 11/b
1995-1996 Faculty of Law
Università degli Studi di Palermo
1999-2000 Faculty of Arts
Erasmus Program
Department of History
University of Edinburgh
2002 Bachelor Degree in Contemporary History
Faculty of Arts
Graduated with first-class honours (110 e lode)
Università degli Studi di Bologna
Final Thesis:
Sino-American Relations from Tiananmen to the Post-Deng Era: (Italian)
2007 Ph.D in History of International Relations
Faculty of Political Sciences
Università di Firenze
Final Thesis:
The Sino-American Normalization and the Crisis of the Great Détente:
The China Card in Carters Foregin Policy (Italian)
2008 Post-Doctoral Scholarship
History Department
Beijing University
Editorialist on the Cultural Section of the Giornale
di Sicilia, an Italian daily.
E. Fardella, Mao Zedong, preface by Sergio
Romano, Mondadori, Milano, 2004, pp.191 (Italian; translated in
Flemish in 2006).
E. Fardella, Peoples Republic of China in 2005: todays
challenges in Piero Formica and Peter Why (eds.), China.
The Growth Engine for the 21st Century, Effeelle Editori,
Bologna, 2005. (English).