Dr. Duccio Basosi

Post-Doc Research Fellow of History of International Relations


Personal profile:

Biographical note: Born in Florence, Italy, in 1974. Classic Maturity Diploma in 1993. Dr. Basosi has participated as a voluntary or as a consultant in several projects of international cooperation in the Balkans and in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Short Scientific CV: 2004. PhD in History of International Relations, University of Florence, Italy. 2000. Laurea in Political Sciences, Facoltà "Cesare Alfieri", University of Florence, 110/110 magna cum laude and formal mention for publication of the final dissertation.

Positions held: Lecturer of "History of North America" at the School of Political Sciences, University of Florence. Lecturer of "The European Union" at the Institute of Fine and Liberal Arts at Palazzo Rucellai (University of Connecticut and Pennsylvania State University), Florence. Lecturer of "Globalization and its Consequences" and "The European Union and the United States: Rivals or Partners?" at the Lorenzo de' Medici Institute, Florence. In this capacity, Dr. Basosi is an Affiliate Faculty of Marist College (NY), USA.

Awards and fellowships: 2007: "Premio SISSCO Opera Prima" for Il governo del dollaro. 2005: Gerald Ford Foundation Research Grant, Ford Presidential Library, Ann Arbor, USA. 2001-2004: Doctoral Fellowship, University of Florence. 2001: "Valerio Finardi Award" for the most valuable graduation thesis in History of International Relations defended in the year 2000. 1998 Socrates/Erasmus Fellowship for the University of Grenoble, France (declined).

Research experience: 2007: Jimmy Carter Presidential Library, Atlanta (GE), USA; National Archives of the United States, College Park (MD), USA; Historical Archives of the European Union, Florence. 2006: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Simi Valley (CA), USA; Public Records and Archives, Accra, Ghana. 2005: Gerald Ford Presidential Library, Ann Arbor (MI), USA; Archives of the G-8 Information Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 2002: National Archives of the United States, College Park.

Language skills: Italian native; English excellent (TOEFL 287/300); French very good (written and spoken); Spanish good (written and spoken).



1) Il governo del dollaro. Interdipendenza economica e potere statunitense negli anni di Richard Nixon, 1969-1973, Firenze, Polistampa, 2006 (preface by Ennio di Nolfo). The book has been awarded the "Premio SISSCO 2007 Opera Prima", by the Italian Society of Contemporary Historians.

Articles and essays:

1) "Helsinki and Rambouillet: Economics, Security, and the Recovery of US Hegemony in Europe, 1972-75", in A. Wenger, C. Nuenlist, W. Mastny (eds.), Origins of the European Security System: The Helsinki Process Revisited, 1965-75, London, Routledge, 2007.
2) "Alle radici della rivoluzione neoliberista: Nixon e l'abbandono di Bretton Woods", in Italia Contemporanea, n. 239-240, giugno-settembre 2005.
3) "Organismi geneticamente modificati: una questione politica internazionale", in Etica e economia, n. 2, 2004.
4) "Il crollo di Bretton Woods tra teoria economica e realpolitik", in Storia delle relazioni internazionali, n. 2, 1999.

Conference papers:

1. (With G. Bernardini) "Transnational Neoliberalism? Helmut Schmidt and the Crisis of the 1970s", presented at the Annual Conference of the German Studies Association in San Diego, USA, 4-7 October 2007.
2. "Transatlantic Strains in the Early 1970s: an International Economic Perspective", presented at the international conference The Atlantic Community and the European Idea from Kennedy to Nixon, organized by the Roosevelt Study Center in Middelburg, Netherlands, 20-21 September 2007.
3. "Spreading Neoliberalism in the Global South: Ideas and Power in the Reagan Years, 1981-89", presented at the international conference National Political Cultures and the Wider World, University of Reading, UK, 4-5 September 2007.
4. "Power in Interdependence: The Nixon Administration and the End of Bretton Woods, 1969-73", presented at the Annual Conference of the Transatlantic Studies Association in Cork, Ireland, 9-12 July, 2007.
5. "Euro e dollaro: partnership o rivalità?", presented at the conference A cinquant'anni dai trattati di Roma, organized by the School of Political Science of the University of Florence, 27 March 2007
6. (With G. Bernardini) "From the Cold War to Globalization: Eurocommunism, Socialdemocracy, and Neoliberalism, 1974-1980", presented at the international conference From Helsinki to Gorbachev, 1975-85, organized by the CIMA in Artimino, Italy, 27-29 April 2006
7. "Helsinki and Rambouillet: Economics and Security at Stake, 1972-75", presented at the international conference At the Roots of the European Security System, organized by the Center for Security Studies in Zurich, Switzerland, 8-10 September 2005
8. "The Economics and Politics of Structural Adjustment: from the Crisis of the Latin American Foreign Debts to the Cuban periodo especial, 1982-95", presented at the international conference Cuba: The Strategic Island, organized by the University of Florence, 16-17 November 2007.

Forthcoming and in preparation:

1) "Verso un mondo unipolare? L'amministrazione Reagan e la crisi del debito latinoamericano, 1981-89", in M.L. Napolitano, M.E. Guasconi, M. Cricco (eds.), La Guerra Fredda in America Latina, Firenze, Polistampa, forthcoming 2008.
2) (With G. Bernardini) "Between Cold War and Neoliberal Globalization: the Rise and Fall of Eurocommunism, 1974-1980", in L. Nuti (ed.), The End of Détente in Europe, 1975-85, London, Routledge, forthcoming 2008.
3) (With M. Gerlini, A. Romano) "Conference review: 'From Helsinki to Gorbachev, 1975-1985: The Globalization of the Bipolar Confrontation'", in Cold War International History Project Bulletin, forthcoming 2008.
4) "'Un tizio di nome Malthus': i limiti della crescita da Jimmy Carter a Ronald Reagan, 1977-81", unpublished manuscript.

Areas of Interest:

- North & South Americas (United States)
- International political economy/Globalization.

Latest update: 25 November 2007