University of Florence, Italy (2007)
Field: International History
Dissertation title: Ambivalent Times. Détente, Cold War
and the Making of American Global Power, 1969-1980
Italian University Degree (110/110 "cum laude")
in Political Science with a specialization in International
History and Politics; University of Urbino, Italy (2003)
Dissertation (in International History) title: The Nixon Administration
and Détente: a Different Form of Containment?
At present
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship University of
Tampere /Academy of Finland
Member of the Finland Distinguished Professor Program (FiDiPro),
financed by the Academy of Finland
and directed by Prof. Marjatta Hietala and Prof. Jussi Hanhimaki
Research project title: "Community and Conflict: Transatlantic
Relations in the Long Twentieth Century"
Continued collaboration with the Universities
of Urbino and Florence, Italy
"L'allineamento del non
allineamento: le superpotenze e le "aree grigie" (with
Maurizio Cremasco) in Il Terzo Mondo Addio. La Conferenza afro-asiatica
di Bandung in una prospettiva storica (edited by Gianpaolo Calchi
Novati and Lia Quartapelle), Roma, Carocci Editore, 2007.
"Da Kennan a Nixon: significati e strategia
della 'grande distensione' tra Stati Uniti e Unione Sovietica"
in Letture Urbinati di Politica e Storia, Urbino, 2005.
"La 'special relationship' tra Stati Uniti
e America Latina e la sua 'fundamentally repugnant philosophy"
in La guerra fredda in America Latina (forthcoming).
In progress: revision of the manuscript -
Ambivalent Times. Détente, Cold War and the Rethinking
of American Global Power, 1969-1980 (to be completed in 2008).