Dr. Angela Romano

Ph.D. in History of International Relations


Personal profile:

Graduated summa cum laude in Political Sciences at the University of Florence with a European Integration History thesis on Regions and the European integration process. The case of Emilia-Romagna. Dr. Romano got her PhD from the same University, where she is currently scientific collaborator and teaching assistant in International History and American History with Prof. Massimiliano Guderzo.
Her doctoral project dealt with the West and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe and analysed the complex, multidimensional topic of Western preparation within the European Political Cooperation and NATO, the coordination between the two level, and détente policy in the period 1969-1975. The project was supervised by Prof. Antonio Varsori and coordinated by Prof. Ennio Di Nolfo.
The results of this research have been presented in several international conferences in Europe, as well as in Moscow and Washington ("Russia and the European Union: Past and Present", International Scientific Conference organized by the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Delegation of the European Commission in Russia. Moscow, 23-25 March 2007. "U.S.-Soviet Relations in the Era of Détente, 1969-1976". Conference. U.S. Department of State. Washington, DC, October 22-23, 2007).
Her research fields of interest include: European Political Cooperation; Euro-Atlantic relations in the Seventies and Eighties; détente; CSCE; relations between the EC-Nine and the Soviet bloc.
Dr. Romano has extensive experience of research in several European and American archives. She speaks fluent English and French, and is currently learning German.
Her current research project deals with the relations between the EC-Nine and the Soviet bloc after the Helsinki CSCE. It is part of PRIN (National Interest Project of Scientific Research) 2007-08: "Europe, the superpowers and the rise and fall of detente, 1969-1981", coordinated by Prof. Antonio Varsori (University of Padua).


  • "L'Italia alla Conferenza di Helsinki 1972-75: tra cooperazione politica europea e interessi nazionali" in Annali della Fondazione Ugo La Malfa, Volume XIX, 2004.
  • "Behind closed doors. Contacts between EEC and CMEA in the early 70s", in Meneguzzi Rostagni C. (Ed.), The Helsinki Process. A Historical Reappraisal, Padova, CEDAM 2005.
  • "Alleanza Atlantica e CSCE (1969-75): prove tecniche di un "polo europeo", in Ventunesimo Secolo, n.9 Anno V - Marzo 2006, Rubbettino.
  • "La CEE di fronte alla Conferenza di Helsinki", in Varsori A. (Ed.), Alle origini del presente. L'Europa occidentale nella crisi degli anni '70, Milano, Franco Angeli 2007.
  • "The Nine and the Conference of Helsinki: a challenging game with the Soviets", in Van der Harst, J. (ed.), Beyond the customs union: the European Community's quest for completion, deepening and enlargement, 1969-1975, Bruxelles, Bruylant 2007.
  • "Western Europe's self-assertion towards the superpowers: the CSCE chance and its aftermaths", in Bossuat, G. and Deighton A., (Eds.), "Les Communautés européennes, acteurs de la sécurité mondiale. Bilan de 50 ans de relations extérieures / " The EC/EU : a world security actor ? " An assessment after 50 years of the external actions of the EC/EU", Paris, Editions Soleb 2007.
  • "A single European voice can speak louder to the world. Rationales, ways and means of the EPC in the CSCE experience" in Rasmussen M., Knudsen A., Poulsen J. (Eds.), The Road to a United Europe - Interpretations of the Process of European Integration, Bruxelles, PIE-Peter Lang (Forthcoming, Autumn 2007).
  • From Détente in Europe to European Détente. How the West (European states) shaped the Helsinki Final Act, Brussels, PIE-Peter Lang (forthcoming in 2008).

Areas of Interest:

- Nato & Transatlantic Studies
- Europe

Latest update: 24 December 2007