Personal profile:
Laurea; Harkness Fellowship at
the Princeton University (1968); staff member and research fellow
of the Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale (Roma); Visiting
scholar in the School of International Affairs of Columbia University;
Senior Research Scholar in the University of Maryland at College
Park; professor of International Relations at the Woodrow Wilson
School - Princeton University (1987-88); professor of International
Relations at the Bologna Center of Johns Hopkins University-SAIS
(1989-94); professor of International Relations at the University
of Urbino since 1992.
a) Books:
- (Ed.) The Effects of Economic Sanctions: The Case of Serbia
(Milano, Angeli, 2001).
- MarioZucconi, Richard Ullman (Eds.), Western Europe and the
Crisis of US-Soviet Relations (New York, Praeger, 1987).
- Il conflitto arabo-israeliano e il sistema internazionale
del secondo dopoguerra (Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 1987).
b) Essays:
- Chapter "Italy", in Brian Hocking (ed.), The Reform
of EU Foreign Ministries (London, Macmillan, in progress).
- Chapter "The 'external factor': The Macedonian state's
security deficit and the role of the international community",
in Crisis in Macedonia, Ethnobarometer, CESPI Working Paper
6 (Rome, 2002).
- Chapter " 'Protectorates' in the Balkans: Defining the
present status and looking at the future of Bosnia-Herzegovina
and Kosovo", in Stefano Bianchini (ed.), From the Adriatic
to the Caucasus. The dynamics of (de)stabilization (Ravenna,
Longo, 2001).
- Chapters "Italy" and "Reconciliation of Western
Security Institutions", in M. Brenner (ed.), NATO and
Collective Security (New York, St. Martin's, 1999).
- "NATO in the Mediterranean", in S.J. Blank, Mediterranean
Security Into the Coming Millennium (US Army War College,
Carlisle, Penn, 1999).
- "The Kurdish Question and Migration in Turkey", Working
Paper, CCS and CEMES Etnobarometer Project (Rome, May 1999).
- "The West and the Balkan Conflict", in S. Bianchini
and R.C. Nation (eds.), The Yugoslav Conflict and Its Implications
for International Relations (Ravenna, Longo, 1998).
- "The European Union in the Former Yugoslavia", in
A. Chayes and A.H. Chayes, Preventing Conflict in the Post-Communist
World: Mobilizing International and Regional Organizations
(Washington, Brookings Institution, 1996).
- "The Former Yugoslavia: Lessons of War and Diplomacy",
in SIPRI Yearbook 1995 (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996).
- "Extended Peacekeeping", in Future International
Peace Operations (US Congress, OTA, Washington, D.C., 1995).
- "The United States and Western Europe", in L.C. Brown,
Centerstage: American Diplomacy Since World Two (New York,
Holmes and Meier, 1990).
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