Dr. Maria Eleonora Guasconi

Researcher of History of International Relations

[email protected]


Personal profile:

Maria Eleonora Guasconi is born in Siena on 09/11/1965. She graduated in June 1991 with full honour at the Faculty of Political Science "C. Alfieri" in Florence, with a thesis dealing with Great Britain attitude towards the European integration process from 1955 to 1958. In December 1995 she completed her PhD in History of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science in Florence under the supervision of prof. Ennio Di Nolfo, with a thesis titled: The United States looking for a worthwhile political and labour interlocutor in the fight against Communism in Italy from 1947 to 1955. From 1996 to 2000 she pursued various researches in the most important European and American archives, obtaining post-doctoral fellowships from the University of Padua (1996), NATO-CNR Senior Fellowship Program 1996 (Summer 1997), University of Florence (1997-1999). Since 2002 she is lecturer in History of International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University "Carlo Bo" in Urbino, where she is responsible of the Jean Monnet module in History of European Integration. From 2000 to 2004 she taught History of North America at the Faculty of Political Science in Florence.


a) Books:

  • L'altra faccia della medaglia. Guerra psicologica e diplomazia sindacale nelle relazioni Italia-Stati Uniti durante la prima fase della guerra fredda (1947-1955), Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 1999.
  • L'Europa tra continuità e cambiamento. Il vertice dell'Aja del 1969 e il rilancio della costruzione europea, Firenze, Polistampa, 2004.

b) Articles and Essays:

  • Il CES e le origini della politica sociale europea (1958-1965), in A. Varsori (ed.), Il Comitato Economico e Sociale nella costruzione europea, Venezia, Marsilio Editore, 2000.
  • American and European Models in the Trade Union Movement during the Cold War The Italian Case, in L. Tosi (ed.), Europe, its Borders and the Others, Napoli, ESI, 2000, pp. 297-311.
  • L'américanisation des syndicats italiens et français durant la Guerre Froide (1947-1955), in G. Bossuat e Nicolas Vaicbourdt (eds.), Etats-Unis, Europe et Unione Européenne Histoire et Avenir d'un partenariat difficile (1945-1999), Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2001, pp.87-99.
  • I rapporti dell'AAI con l'IRO e l'assistenza ai profughi in Italia (1947-1956), in A. Ciampani ( ed.), L'Amministrazione per gli Aiuti Internazionali. La ricostruzione dell'Italia tra dinamiche internazionali e attività assistenziali, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2002, pp.155-167.
  • Americanisation and National Identity. The Italian Labour Movement Case, in Dominique Barjot, Marc de Ferrière, Isabelle Liscent Giles (eds.), Americanisation, Cultural Transfers in the Economiec Sphere in the XX Century, Lille, Presse Universitaire, 2002.
  • International Labour and the Cold War: the Breakup of the World Federation of Trade Unions in 1949, in G. H. Soutou, (ed.), L'Europe de l'Est e de l'Ouest dans la Guerre Froide (1948- 1953), Paris, PUPS, 2003.
  • L'Amministrazione degli Aiuti Internazionali attraverso le immagini, in "Annali della Fondazione Giulio Pastore, XXVIII-XXIX, 1999-2000, pp.208-211.
  • Paving the way for a European Social Dialogue. Italy and the Shaping of a European Social Policy after the Hague Conference of 1969, in "Journal of European Integration History",IX, n.1, 2003, pp. 87-111.
    Italy and the Hague Conference of December 1969, in "Journal of European Integration History",IX, n. 2, 2003, pp. 101-116.
  • Il bacino del Nilo: modello di cooperazione o di precario equilibrio regionale?, in M. Guderzo e M. Napolitano (a cura di), Diplomazia delle risorse. Le materie prime e il sistema internazionale nel Novecento, Firenze, Polistampa, 2004, pp.161-176.
  • The European Trade Unions and the CEDEFOP. An analysis of labour's approach to vocational education and training in the 70's, in AA.VV., Towards a history of vocational education and training (VET) in Europe in a comparative perspective, Proceedings of the first international conference, October 2002, Florence, v. II, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004, pp. 49-62.

Areas of Interest:

Transatlantic Relations during the Seventies, Italian Foreign Policy (1945-1980), American Foreign Policy (1945-2004), European Integration Process, Détente.

Last update: 28 March 2005.