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Prof. Max Guderzo

Prof. Max Guderzo
Full Professor of History of International Relations

[email protected]

Personal profile:

1. Present position at the University of Florence. Max Guderzo (Pavia, 1964) is Professor of the History of International Relations and Jean Monnet Chair of the History and Politics of European Unification at the School of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri”. He is also Co-ordinator of the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, Member of the Steering Committee of the Machiavelli Inter-University Centre for Cold War Studies (CIMA), and leads two pilot projects for an international joint PhD course in the History of International Relations (Peking University, Peking) and for an international joint Master Course in International Studies (MGIMO University of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Moscow). He coordinates academic exchanges with many other universities and research institutions in Europe and the world, among which the London School of Economics, the Max-Planck-Institut, the Complutense, the Jagellonian, the East China Normal, the Monash in Melbourne, the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Toronto University, and a number of universities in the United States of America, including a special agreement for PhD mobility with the National Security Archive at George Washington University and the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. In 2008 he was awarded a Public Policy Scholar position at the Wilson Center for four months. In 2013 he taught an undergraduate course in the History and Politics of the European Union at New York University in Florence. In 2015 he has begun to coordinate the publication of a multi-disciplinary book series on European unification (Firenze University Press), in collaboration with colleagues from the Wilson Center, Peking University and the London School of Economics.

2. Past significant positions at the University of Florence, 2004-08. Until November 2008 he chaired the Degree Course in “International Studies” (1st cycle), co-ordinated an international Master Course in Euro-Mediterranean Studies co-financed by the European Commission (2nd cycle) and a PhD course in the History of International Relations (3rd cycle and post-doctoral studies). These positions also implied a wide range of teaching activities and thesis supervision in the three cycles.
3. Past significant positions at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, 1998-2004. In his previous academic position he was Professor of the History of International Relations and Jean Monnet Chair of the History and Politics of European Integration at the Faculty of Political Science. He also held a Jean Monnet inter-disciplinary module on the EEC association policy. He was Director of the Department of Historical and Political Studies, Co-ordinator of a Master Course in Middle East Studies and Pro-Rector for international relations and international teaching activities.

4. Previous education, 1977-97. Guderzo attended the Liceo Classico (Humanities, Greek, Latin) in Pavia, 1977-82. Final mark: 60/60. Military service in the alpini mountain troops, 1982-83. Travels and professional experiences, 1983-84. Laurea in Political Science (Faculty “Cesare Alfieri”, Florence), 1984-89. Graduation mark: 110/110 cum laude and thesis printing auspices. PhD in the History of International Relations, 1989-92. Scholarship for international studies abroad, Tübingen University, 1992-94. Post-doctoral scholarship in the history of international relations, European integration and transatlantic studies, 1994-96 (research periods in several European countries and in the United States). Untenured fellowships and participation in many national and international programmes for research and academic exchange, including the organization of a Tempus programme in collaboration with the University of Ekaterinburg, 1989-98.

5. Research interests. In the 1980s Guderzo focused his research and published essays on Italian anti-fascism (‘Giustizia e Libertà a Pavia negli anni Trenta’, Annali di storia pavese, 1982-83) and British decolonisation in Africa (‘L’indipendenza del Ghana’, Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali, 1991). Later on he wrote books on Spain’s neutrality in World War II (Madrid e l’arte della diplomazia, 1995), the US attitude towards European integration in the 1960s (Interesse nazionale e responsabilità globale, 2000) and US relations with Latin America in the Carter years (Ordine mondiale e buon vicinato, 2012). He has co-edited books on raw materials and the international system (Diplomazia delle risorse, 2004; Russian ed., 2008), the EEC/EU enlargement (2004: l’allargamento dell’Unione europea, 2005), Spain in the last years of the Franco regime (L’ultimo franchismo, 2009), the international system in 1975-85 (The Globalization of the Cold War, 2010), the EEC and EU “foreign policies” (The External Relations of the European Union, 2015), current issues in international history (Nuove questioni di Storia delle relazioni internazionali, 2015) and the euro (A Monetary Hope for Europe, 2015). He is currently working on transatlantic relations in the 1960s, US foreign policy in the Carter years, as well as European integration, Spanish issues, and Italian foreign policy. He has led a number of national and international research teams on the above-mentioned subjects in the last 15 years.

6. International programmes and policy-relevant reports and activities. Given his past training and present interest for multi-disciplinary studies combining history and social sciences methodologies, among other activities Guderzo published two reports (2010) on international multi-stakeholder partnerships for reconciliation, peacebuilding, empowerment of vulnerable people and human security in post-conflict contexts (Afghanistan and the Democratic Republic of Congo) for the ‘Multipart’ project, co-financed by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme (Theme 8, ‘Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities’), in which he led the Florence University team. He also was the contract person for a Tempus IV programme co-financed by the European Commission and co-ordinated by the Universities of Florence and Beograd, “Development of Public Administration and Management Studies in Serbia” (2008-13). Frequently involved in peer-reviewing processes, Guderzo has served many times in Brussels as an independent expert for the EC (Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes).

7. International experience. He can read, speak and understand a number of languages. He has travelled extensively all over Europe and around the world, as a free-lance journalist and tour operator in his youth, later on as an academic for research, conferences on invitation and in order to promote international exchanges on behalf of the Universities of Urbino and Florence. In 2009-10, in particular, he devoted much time to academic and scientific relations with Eastern Europe and Asia, traveling to Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Afghanistan and Australia.

Full CV in Italian and List of Publications (PDF) >>>

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