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January 2009
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Highlights & News

Four positions for postdoctoral research fellows - University of Erfurt

By admin | July 15, 2008

The University of Erfurt announces four positions for postdoctoral
research fellows in the project “Religious individualization in
historical perspective”. We kindly ask you to forward the attached
announcement to the relevant departments (Sociology, Religious
Studies, History, Philosophy, Theology, Law or Economics) or put it on
the information board.

Kind regards,

Manuela Linde
Universitaet Erfurt - The University of Erfurt
Internationales Buero - International Office
Nordhaeuser Str. 63
D-99089 Erfurt
Tel. +49 361 737 5030
Fax +49 361 737 5039
e-mail:[email protected]

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CFP: Tagung/Conference “Wahrheitsmaschinen” / “Machines of Truth”

By admin | July 5, 2008

Dear colleagues:

Attached please find a »Call for Papers« of the international, interdisciplinary conference »Machines of Truth: The Impact of Technological Innovations on the Representation and the Image of War in the Media and the Arts« which will take place at Osnabrueck September 3–6, 2009, and will be organized by the Erich Maria Remarque-Peace Center/University of Osnabrueck, Germany.

We would very much appreciate it if you are able to participate, and if you can inform other colleagues about this conference who might be interested in the subject.

Sincerely yours

PD Dr. Thomas F. Schneider
Erich Maria Remarque Peace Center/University of Osnabrueck

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CFP Conference on Holocaust and Genocide Studies

By admin | July 4, 2008


First International Graduate Students’ Conference on Holocaust and Genocide Studies
April 23-26, 2009

The Strassler Family Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University will host the First International Graduate Students’ Conference on Holocaust and Genocide Studies on April 23-26, 2009, in cooperation with the Danish Institute for International Studies, Department of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Copenhagen. The conference will provide a forum for graduate students to present original research papers to peers and established scholars.
Keynote lecture: Professor Yehuda Bauer (Yad Vashem).
A roundtable discussion with Professors Ben Kiernan (Yale University), John K. Roth (Claremont McKenna College), Andrea Smith (University of Michigan), Eric D. Weitz (University of Minnesota) and others will conclude the conference.
This interdisciplinary conference will reflect the full range of issues, concepts, and methods in current Holocaust and Genocide Studies; accordingly, we invite pertinent applications from all fields and from countries around the world. Interested applicants should submit for consideration 1) name, address, email and telephone number; 2) the title and an abstract of your paper (a maximum of 250 words in English); 3) a brief letter from your advisor indicating your enrollment in a graduate program; and 4) your curriculum vitae.

Applications for complete panels are also acceptable and may consist of three to four papers. Such submissions should also include a panel description of approx. 500 words.

The costs of accommodation, registration and meals will be covered for applicants whose papers are accepted. We also anticipate offering stipends to defray travel expenses for participants but can not guarantee the value of these stipends in advance. Participants are encouraged to seek financial support from their home institutions to cover their costs.

The application deadline is September 15, 2008 (extended!); email submissions are preferred. Please forward materials to: Strassler Family Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Clark University, 950 Main St., Worcester, MA 01610, U.S.A., [email protected]

If you have any questions, please contact Raz Segal, Doctoral Student, [email protected], or Thomas Kühne, Strassler Professor in Holocaust History, [email protected], at the Strassler Family Center.

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Corso IRSI 2008/2009

By admin | June 24, 2008


L’Istituto di Ricerche e Studi Internazionali organizza, d’intesa con la Facoltà di Scienze politiche “Cesare Alfieri” di Firenze e in collaborazione con l’Istituto Diplomatico del Ministero degli Affari Esteri, nell’ambito della normativa vigente, un Corso Superiore di preparazione al concorso per la carriera diplomatica e per altre carriere internazionali. Obiettivo del corso è quello di fornire la migliore preparazione ai fini del superamento delle prove di concorso per la carriera diplomatica e di funzionariato internazionale. L’inizio è previsto per il giorno 20 ottobre 2008 e il Corso durerà sino alla fine del mese di giugno 2009; sono previste lezioni, seminari e simulazioni scritte nelle materie utili ai fini delle prove del Concorso:

- Diritto Internazionale (Diritto Comunitario);

- Economia (Politica economica - Economia internazionale - Economia monetaria);

- Storia delle relazioni internazionali e storia contemporanea;

- Lingua inglese e (se obbligatoria) Lingua francese;

- Tecniche diplomatiche.

L’attività didattica si concentrerà secondo moduli che si svolgeranno a settimane alterne, così da consentire ai frequentanti, nelle settimane di intervallo, un migliore approfondimento dei programmi di studio e lo svolgimento di esercitazioni scritte assegnate dai docenti.
La frequenza è obbligatoria. Il Corso è a numero chiuso e prevede un massimo di 25 partecipanti. A conclusione del corso a coloro che avranno seguito almeno l’80% delle lezioni verrà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza.

La quota di partecipazione al corso è di 3.000,00 € a titolo di rimborso spese, da pagare in un’unica soluzione entro e non oltre il primo giorno di lezione. L’Istituto si riserva di confermare lo svolgimento del corso sulla base delle domande pervenute.


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2 Paid Phd Positions Research Project Musealisation

By admin | June 24, 2008

Professor Wolfram Kaiser / Dr Stefan Krankenhagen

2 Paid Phd Positions Research Project Musealisation Of Europe/EU

Application Deadline 25 July 2008

Universities Of Trondheim/Portsmouth/Berlin

2 Phd Positions Within European Cultural Studies / Contemporary History At
The Norwegian University Of Science And Technology, Trondheim


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University of Erfurt Doctoral and Postdoctoral Scholarships in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences

By admin | May 30, 2008

The University of Erfurt has launched a new programme for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Scholarships in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences. We would highly appreciate if you could disseminate the attached announcement among the relevant departments and students of your institution. More information can be found at
Kind regards
Manuela Linde
Head of International Office

programme >>>

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University of Florence - Conference of Dr. Anna Zafesova

By admin | May 24, 2008

Università degli Studi di Firenze – Dipartimento di Studi sullo Stato
Centro Interuniversitario “Machiavelli” – CIMA

Dott.ssa Anna Zafesova

giornalista de “La Stampa” e autrice del libro:
“E da Mosca è tutto. Storie della Russia che cambia e che non cambia”, Utet, 2005

“Da Putin a Medvedev, come cambia la Russia”

mercoledì 28 maggio 2008, ore 14
Polo delle Scienze Sociali, Novoli
edificio D5, aula 1.11

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Prof. David SHAMBAUGH Conference - University of Florence

By admin | May 16, 2008

Forum per i Problemi della Pace e della Guerra

Centro Interuniversitario “Machiavelli” - CIMA

Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze Politiche, Storiche e Sociali

Cattedra Jean Monnet in Storia
delle Organizzazioni Internazionali

Professor David SHAMBAUGH
Director, China Policy Program,
George Washington University


Martedì 20 Maggio
ore 10-12

Aula 1.13 – Edificio D5

Si ringrazia il Consolato americano di Firenze
per la compartecipazione ai costi dell’iniziativa

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Bando per una Borsa di Ricerca dello IAO

By admin | May 12, 2008

Il nostro Istituto, organo tecnico-scientifico del Ministero degli Affari Esteri, bandisce una borsa di ricerca in: “Attuazione delle normative vigenti e dei correlati procedimenti amministrativi relativi alla gestione di progetti di cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo affidati dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri e da organismi internazionali”.

Il bando è direttamente scaricabile dal sito http://www.iao.florence.it/ - scadenza: ore 13.00 del 20/05/2008.

Alice Perlini
Direttore Generale

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1st European Sustainability Academy: European Energy Policy and Climate Change

By admin | May 12, 2008

This Summer Academy is co-organized by the Institut fuer Europaeische Politik (Berlin), the European Academy Otzenhausen (FRG), the University of Trier/Political Science Department (FRG) and the ASKO EUROPE
FOUNDATION (Saarbruecken, FRG).

The targets groups of this summer academy are Master Students, Ph.D. students and young researchers working in the field of European Studies (Political Science, Economics, Law) and specializing in the field of environmental, energy and climate change topics.

More detailed information on the programme and on the application procedure can be found at the following website:



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