
Head of the Department: Professor Pietro Grilli di Cortona
Via Corrado Segre 2 - 00146 ROMA - Italy

Professor: Leopoldo Nuti.

Staff: Laura Fasanaro, Marilena Gala, Filippo Focardi.

The Dipartimento di Istituzioni Politiche e Scienze Sociali was founded on November 29, 1996,and achieved its full administrative and financial authonomy in June 1997, which makes it the "youngest" Department at the University of Roma Tre. The scientific project of the Department aims at promoting and coordinating a number of research initiatives on the political and social dimensions of contemporary Western societies. Its medium/long term objective is to become an "observatory" of the transformation of Italian, European and international societies and political bodies caused by the dual process of globalization and fragmentation, whose impact is one of the crucial challenges of our times. This approach has gradually brought the Department to concentrate on such topics as the process of European integration (with particular emphasis on the issue of European citizenship), the protection of human rights at a transnational level, the issues of international security and of the operations of peace support in the post-Cold war era, the reforms of the Italian administrative and political structure, equal opportunities, the making of political �lites and the transformation of politics in the age of the mass-media.

The Department's Teaching Staff is currently involved in a large number of individual and collective research projects: among the collective ones are the projects on "Issues of European Integration", which coordinates several research initiatives on such topics as European citizenship, the reform of the EU's budget, unemployment in Europe, environmental protection in a European framework, and the like. Individual research projects include the changes in the international system (US-Italian relations, colonial and post-colonial Africa, the Dayton Agreements), the transformation of the civil service, budget and debt analysis, political change in contemporary societies (utopianism, sects, the role of the �lites in a changing world).

The Department is currently running two Ph.D Programs on 1) Political theories and women's rights and 2) Theory and History of the formation of political �lites, and two post-graduate courses in 1) Peacekeeping and security studies and 2) European Citizenship.

Teaching Staff

Prof. Leopoldo Nuti
[email protected], [email protected]

Status: Full Professor of History of International Relations.

Personal profile:
Laurea (University of Florence, 1982), Fulbright Student, 1984-1985; MA in International Affairs, George Washington University, School of Public and International Affairs, 1986; Ph.D. in History of International Relations, University of Rome, 1987; NATO Research Fellow, 1988-1989; Jean Monnet Fellow, European University Institute, Department of History, 1989-90; Research Fellow, Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, Center for Science and International Affairs 1990-91; Research Fellow, Nuclear History Program, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ebenhausen, 1991-1992; Associate Professor of History of International Relations, Dipartimento di Studi Politici, Universit� degli Studi di Catania, 1992-1996; Associate Professor of History of International Relations, Dipartimento di Istituzioni Politiche e Scienze Sociali, Universit� degli Studi Roma Tre, 1996-2000; Professor of History of International Relations, Dipartimento di Istituzioni Politiche e Scienze Sociali, Universit� degli Studi Roma Tre, November 2000. Professor Nuti is a member of SHAFR, ACUNS, and the Societ� italiana di storia militare (Italian Society of Military History). He is the Scientific Coordinator of the Post-graduate course in Peacekeeping and security studies at the University of Roma Tre.


- L'esercito italiano nel secondo dopoguerra, 1945-1950. La sua ricostruzione e l'assistenza militare alleata (Roma: Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore Esercito, 1989).
- Gli Stati Uniti e l'apertura a sinistra, 1953-1963. Importanza e limiti della presenza americana in Italia (Roma-Bari: Laterza, 1999).

Edited volumes:
- (ed.) I missili di ottobre: la storiografia americana e la crisi cubana dell'ottobre 1962 (Milano: LED, 1994).
- (ed.) International crises and diplomatic sources. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents (Roma: Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, 1998).
- (ed., con Cyril Buffet ) Dividing the Atom. Essays on the History of Nuclear Proliferation in Europe. A Special Issue of the Journal Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali (Firenze: Manent, 1998).

- "I problemi storiografici connessi con l'intervento italiano nella seconda guerra mondiale", in Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali, vol 1, n.2 (1985), pp.369-391.
- "La missione Marras, 2-22 dicembre 1948", in Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali, vol. 3, n.2 (1987), pp.343-368.
- "Gli alleati e le forze armate italiane, 1945-1948", in L'Italia e la politica di potenza in Europa, 1945-1950, a cura di Ennio Di Nolfo, Romain Rainero e Brunello Vigezzi (Milano, Marzorati, 1987), pp.575-599.
- "The Italian Military and the Atlantic Pact", in Ennio Di Nolfo (ed.), The Atlantic Pact Forty Years Afterwards: A Historical Reappraisal, (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1991), pp.247-259.
- "Italy and the Nuclear Choices of the Atlantic Alliance, 1955-1963", in Robert O'Neill, Beatrice Heuser (eds.), Securing Peace in Europe, 1945-1962: Thoughts for the 1990s (London: MacMillan Publishers, 1992), pp.222-245.
- "Le role de l'Italie dans les negociations trilaterales 1957-1958", in Revue d'Histoire Diplomatique, vol. 104, n.1-2, (1990), pp.133-158.
- "Appunti per una storia della politica di difesa italiana nella prima met� degli anni '50", in Ennio Di Nolfo, Romain Rainero, Brunello Vigezzi (eds.), L'Italia e la politica di potenza in Europa negli anni '50 (Milano: Marzorati, 1992), pp.625-670.
- " 'Me too, please': Italy and the Politics of Nuclear weapons, 1945-1975", in Diplomacy and Statecraft, Vol. 4, No.1 (March 1993), pp.114-148.
- "L'Italie et le missiles Jupiter", in Maurice Vaisse (ed.), L'Europe et la Crise de Cuba (Paris: Armand Colin, 1993), pp.123-157.
- "The Italian Peace Treaty of 1947: The Enemy/Ally Dilemma and Military Limitations", insieme a I. Poggiolini, in Fred Tanner (ed.), From Versailles to Baghdad: Post-War Armament Control of Defeated States (New York: UNIDIR, 1992),pp.27-38.
- "La NATO e il New Look dell'amministrazione Eisenhower, 1952-1954", in Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali, Vol.9, n.1-2, (1992), pp.29-61.
- "Italy and the Defence of NATO's Southern Flank, 1949-1955", in Klaus A. Maier and Norbert Wiggershaus (eds.), Das Nordatlantische B�ndnis, 1949-1956 (M�nchen: Oldenbourg Verlag, 1993).
- "US Forces in Italy, 1955-1963", in Wolfgang Krieger (ed.), US Forces in Europe: The Early Years, (Boulder, Colorado: Westview, 1994), pp.251-272.
- "Shaping NATO for the Long Pull, 1952-1954", in Antonio Varsori (ed.), Europe 1945-1990: the End of an Era? (Londra: MacMillan, 1994),pp.90-101.
- "L'administration Kennedy et sa politique italienne: un 'test case' du processus de d�cision dans la politique �trang�re des Etats-Unis", in Relations Internationales, n.84 (hiver 1995), pp.485-500.
- "Italy, the British application to the EEC, and the January debacle", in Richard Griffiths and Stuart Ward (eds.), The First Attempt to Enlarge the European Community, 1961-1963 (London: the Lothian Foundation, 1995), pp.101-119.
- "Mining for Sources on Diplomacy - II: Italy", in Diplomatic Studies Program Newsletter, No. 2, (April 1996), pp.10-12.
- "Italy and the French Withdrawal from NATO in 1966", in Frederic Bozo, Pierre Melandri et Maurice Vaisse (eds.) La France et l'OTAN (Paris: Colin, 1996), pp.469-488.
- "Socialisti o missili ? L'Italia nella politica estera kennedyana" in Italia Contemporanea, n.204 (settembre 1996)., pp.443-470. - "Security and Threat Perceptions in Italy in the Early Cold War Years, 1945-1953", in Francesca Gori and Silvio Pons (eds.) The Soviet Union and Europe in the Cold War, 1945-1953 (London: Macmillan, 1996), pp.412-429.
- "Note sulla partecipazione italiana a corpi di spedizione multinazionali", con Antonello M. Biagini, in Studi storico-militari 1994 (Roma: Ufficio Storico Stato Maggiore Esercito, 1996), pp.497-531.
- "Dall'operazione Deep Rock all'operazione Pot Pie: una storia documentata dei missili SM 78 Jupiter in Italia", in Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali, vol. 11/12, n.1 (1996/1997) e vol. 2 (1996/1997), pp.95-138 e 105-149.
- "La storiografia sulle Forze Armate dell'Italia contemporanea", in Piero Del Negro (ed.), Guida alla storia militare italiana (Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche italiane, 1997), pp.243-259.
- "Italo Balbo e la politica estera fascista", in Carlo Maria Santoro (a cura di) Aviazione e potere aereo (Roma: Aeronautica Militare, 1998), pp.49-75.
- "Commitment to NATO and Domestic Politics: The Italian Case and Some Comparative Remarks", in Contemporary European History, vol. 7 no. 3 (November 1998), pp.361-377.
- "Missiles or Socialists? The Italian Policy of the Kennedy Administration", in Douglas Brinkley and Richard Griffiths (eds.), Kennedy and Europe (New Orleans: Lousiana State University Press, 1999).
- "Il complesso della cobelligeranza: le Forze Armate dalla ricostruzione all'alleanza atlantica", in Pasquale Iuso e Adolfo Pepe (eds.), La fondazione della Repubblica, 1946-1999, numero speciale di Trimestre, (Teramo: Interlinea editrice, 1999).
- "L'Aerobrigata fantasma", in Rivista aeronautica, vol. 76, no.1 (2000), pp.110-123.
- "Continuity and Change in Italian Defence Policy" in Michel Dumoulin (sous la direction de) La Communaute Europ�enne de D�fense: le�ons pour demain? (Brussels: Peter Lang, 2000).

Areas of interest and research projects: History of the Cold War; History of US Foreign policy; Italian foreign and security policy; US-Italian relations in the Cold War; nuclear weapons, in particular the history of the IRBMs Jupiter in Italy; history of NATO.


Dr. Laura Fasanaro
[email protected]

Personal profile:
Laurea (University of Catania); Ph.D. in History of International Relations (University of Florence, 2003); Post-Doctoral Fellowship (University of Florence), 2003. Teaching Assistant in History of International Relations.

Dr. Filippo Focardi
[email protected]

Personal Profile:
Laurea in Philosophy (University of Florence, 1993); Ph.D. in Contemporary History (University of Turin, 2000); Ph.D. Dissertation: "Germany in the Italian view (1939-1949)"; Post-Doctoral Fellowship (University of Florence), 2001. Teaching Assistant in History of International Relations.


Areas of Interest: the Italian-german relations after the second world war and the europen politics; German and Italian war criminals; the memory of the second world war.

Dr. Marilena Gala
[email protected]

Personal Profile:
Laurea (University of Florence); Ph.D. in History of International Relations (University of Florence, 1998); Post-Doctoral Fellowship (University of Florence), 2000. Teaching Assistant in History of International Relations.


Areas of Interest: The Atomic Energy (1960-1980).

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