
The Department of Social and Political Sciences was established in 1983 by joining the Institutes of Sociology (Faculty of Economics), of History of Political Doctrines and Institutions, of International Political and Historical Studies, of History and Institutions of African and Asian Countries, of Social and Political Studies (Faculty of Political Science). The department is divided into the following sections: Political Sciences, Sociology, History of Political Doctrines and Institutions, African and Asian Studies, Historical Studies, International Politics. From 1983 to 1986 the Head of the Department was Prof. Paolo Beonio-Brocchieri, who was followed by Prof. Alessandro Cavalli, Prof. Giacomo Sani, Prof. Antonio Mutti. The current head is Prof. Gian Paolo Calchi Novati. The Department is linked to the following Doctoral Programs: Oriental Studies (Civilizations of Far-East Asia), African History, Political Sciences, Analitical Philosophy and General Theory of Law, Sociology.

Teaching Staff

Prof. Marco Mugnaini
[email protected]

Status: Associate Professor of History of International relations at the University of Pavia.

Personal profile:
Graduated from the University of Florence; Research scholar (CNR and CNR-NATO) at Escuela Diplom�tica de Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient�ficas (Madrid). Member of the editorial staff of "Spagna contemporanea". Professor of History of Church-State relations at the University of Pavia.


- Italia e Spagna nell'et� contemporanea, Ed. dell'Orso, Alessandria, 1994.
- Le Spagne degli Italiani, Giuffr�, Milano (in corso di stampa)

Recent Essays:
- Cult of the nation, religion of liberty or reason of state? Spain in Italian foreign policy (1848-1868), into "Nationalism in Europe Past and Present", Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 1994, vol. I, pp. 665-676.
- Penisola iberica e America Latina nella politica di Mussolini, "Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli", n. 2/1996, pp. 113-123.
- Les italiens et les Am�riques au lendemain de Versailles, into "Europe, its borders and the others", a cura di Luciano Tosi, E.S.I., Napoli, 2000, pp. 383-400.
- Italia, Spagna e la formazione di un nuovo equilibrio mediterraneo (1923-1928), "Spagna contemporanea" , n. 14/1998, pp. 53-77.
- Gli stati americani e la Societ� delle Nazioni, into "Il Politico" (in corso di stampa)

Areas of interest: History of International relations, especially foreign relations of Italy with Latin America and Spain. Relations between religion and politic in foreign affairs.

"Carlo M. Cipolla"


Teaching Staff

Prof. Ilaria Poggiolini
[email protected]

Status: Associate Professor at the University of Pavia, Faculty of Philosophy

Personal profile:
Post graduate school of International Studies, University of Florence, 1981; Visiting Fulbright Scholar (USA), 1985-1986; NATO Fellow - 1987-1988; Ph.D. in History of International relations, University of Florence, 1988; Visiting Fellow, Center of International Studies, University of Princeton 1989-199O; Fellow, John Foster Dulles Program, Woodrow Wilson School, University of Princeton, 1991; Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Florence, 1992-1994; British Council Fellow, St. Antony's College, Oxford 1995-1996; Researcher of History of International Relations University of Sassari, 1995-1998.


- Diplomazia della Transizione. Gli Alleati e il problema del trattato di pace italiano, Firenze, Ponte alle Grazie, 1990
- L'alternativa diplomatica alla guerra: Vietnam 1968-1973, Firenze, 1997

- "Europeismo italiano e politica estera dell'Italia: un'ipotesi interpretativa (1944-1949)", Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali, 1 (1985), pp. 67-93.
- Gli Americani e la politica estera di De Gasperi. Quale pace per l'Italia? in E. Di Nolfo (a cura di), L'Italia e la politica di potenza in Europa 1945-1950, Milano, Marzorati, 1988.
- Italian Revisionism after World War II: Status and Security Problems 19471-1957, in R. Ahmann (ed. ) The Quest for Stability. Problems of Western European Security 1918-1957, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993, pp. 327-359.
- Il Revisionismo italiano negli anni '50: premesse e risultati, in E. Di Nolfo (a cura di), L'Italia e la politica di potenza in Europa 1950-1960, Milano, Marzorati, 1993, pp123-186.
- Italy 1943-1955, in D. Reynolds, The Origins of the Cold War in Europe: International Perspective, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1994, pp. 121-143.
- Une ou des occupations anglo-americaines? Le case de l'Italie et du Japon, Relations Internationales, 79 automne 1994, pp; 347-366 - Some Reflections on Post-World II Peace-Making Practices (1947-51), in A. Varsori (ed.), Europe 1945-1980: the End of an Era?, London MacMillan, 1995, pp.19-27.
- Negotiating a Settlement for Italy and the Minor Axis Powers: Peace Diplomacy and the Origins of the Cold War, 1945-47, in F. Gori.
- S. Pons (eds.), The Soviet Union and Europe in the Cold War 1943-53, London, MacMillan, 1996, pp. 383-394
- "L'Europeismo italiano nel primo dopoguerra: alcune osservazioni storiografiche e proiezioni nel lungo periodo", Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali, numero unico, L'Italia e il processo di integrazione Europea: prospettive di ricerca e revisione storiografica, anno XIII, 1998 n.2, pp. 81-100.

Areas of interest : History of US foreign policy; history of European integration; Collective memories and political choices after World War II; regionalism as a transactional theme in Europe after World War II.

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