Status: Full
Professor of History of International Relations at the University of
Personal profile:
Laurea (University of Florence, 1989); Ph.D. in History of International
Relations (University of Florence, 1994). Prof. Guderzo has a long experience
in students exchange programs (Florence-Budapest joint programme; joint
"Tempus" and "Phare" programs coordinated by the Dipartimento di Studi
sullo Stato of the University of Florence together with the Universities
of Ekaterinburg, Southampton e Augsburg (1993-98); and later with the
Universities of London (King's College), Paris (Paris IV-Sorbonne) and
Moscow's Mgimo (1996-2000); and together with the Univesrities of Sarajevo,
Tuzla, Banja Luka, Mostar, Skoplje and Tirana (1999-2001). Prof. Guderzo
has also contributed to the preparation of a joint Anglo-Italian-Egyptian
"Meda" cooperation program currently submitted to the European Commission.
Areas of interest and research projects: History
of the Cold War; History of British decolonization; Spain in the Second
World War; US- Western European relations, in particular in the 1960s.
Prof. Franco Soglian
[email protected]
Status: Professor of History of Eastern Europe
at the University of Urbino
Personal Profile:
Laurea (University of Pavia, 1957); MA in International Relations (SAIS,
Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C., 1961); staff member and
research fellow of the Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale
(Milano, 1962-1985); free-lance writer and lecturer, contributor to
a number of reviews; professor of History of Eastern Europe al the University
of Urbino since 1995.
- La rivoluzione russa (Milano, Dall'Oglio, 1968)
- L'ipotesi del tripolarismo. Stati Uniti, URSS e Cina (Bari, ISPI-Dedalo,
1976) (editor and co-author)
- La riunificazione della Germania, 1989-1990 (Roma, Carocci, 1999)
- Fratture e crisi nel mondo comunista, in "Annuario di politica internazionale".
1967-1971" (Bari, ISPI-Dedalo, 1972), pp.141-174.
- Guerra fredda e distensione, in Scienze politiche 2 (Relazioni Internazionali),
Enciclopedia Feltrinelli-Fischer (Milano, Feltrinelli, 1973), pp. 242-254.
- La politica americana e le origini dello scisma cino-sovietico (1955-1958),
in "Comunit�", n. 172 (agosto 1974), pp. 71-165.
- Tito, in I personaggi della storia contemporanea (Milano, Marzorati,1974),
pp. 1184-1215.
- Breznev, Podgornyj e la 'democrazia socialista', in "Comunit�", n.
178 (agosto 1977), pp. 95-128.
- Autogestione e non allineamento, in S. Bianchini (ed.), L'autogestione
jugoslava (Milano, Franco Angeli, 1982), pp. 310-324.
- La crisi della distensione in retrospettiva, in "Relazioni Internazionali",
n.1, anno 50� (giugno 1986).
- La 'socializzazione' della politica estera e i condizionamenti internazionali,
in S. Bianchini (ed.), L'enigma jugoslavo. Le ragioni della crisi (Milano,
Franco Angeli, 1989), pp. 179-188.
- L'integrazione europea e il blocco sovietico, in R. Rainero (ed.),
Storia dell' integrazione europea (Roma, Marzorati-Editalia, 1997),
pp. 525-560 (I Vol.), 573-615 (II Vol.).
- La crisi del socialismo reale in Europa e nel mondo, in Pontieri et
al. (ed.), Storia universale. L'evoluzione del sistema internazionale
verso un nuovo ordine. 1975-1994, Tomo XIII di aggiornamento del VI
vol. (L'et� contemporanea) (Padova, Vallardi-Piccin, 1997), pp. 183-224.
Prof. Mario Zucconi
[email protected]
Status: Professor of International Relations at
the University of Urbino
Personal Profile:
Laurea; Harkness Fellowship at the Princeton University (1968); staff
member and research fellow of the Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale
(Roma); Visiting scholar in the School of International Affairs of Columbia
University; Senior Research Scholar in the University of Maryland at
College Park; professor of International Relations at the Woodrow Wilson
School - Princeton University (1987-88); professor of International
Relations at the Bologna Center of Johns Hopkins University-SAIS (1989-94);
professor of International Relations at the University of Urbino since
- (Ed.) The Effects of Economic Sanctions: The Case of Serbia (Milano,
Angeli, 2001).
- MarioZucconi, Richard Ullman (Eds.), Western Europe and the Crisis
of US-Soviet Relations (New York, Praeger, 1987).
- Il conflitto arabo-israeliano e il sistema internazionale del secondo
dopoguerra (Napoli, Editoriale Scientifica, 1987).
- Chapter "Italy", in Brian Hocking (ed.), The Reform of
EU Foreign Ministries (London, Macmillan, in progress).
- Chapter "The 'external factor': The Macedonian state's security
deficit and the role of the international community", in Crisis
in Macedonia, Ethnobarometer, CESPI Working Paper 6 (Rome, 2002).
- Chapter " 'Protectorates' in the Balkans: Defining the present
status and looking at the future of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo",
in Stefano Bianchini (ed.), From the Adriatic to the Caucasus. The
dynamics of (de)stabilization (Ravenna, Longo, 2001).
- Chapters "Italy" and "Reconciliation of Western Security
Institutions", in M. Brenner (ed.), NATO and Collective Security
(New York, St. Martin's, 1999).
- "NATO in the Mediterranean", in S.J. Blank, Mediterranean
Security Into the Coming Millennium (US Army War College, Carlisle,
Penn, 1999).
- "The Kurdish Question and Migration in Turkey", Working
Paper, CCS and CEMES Etnobarometer Project (Rome, May 1999).
- "The West and the Balkan Conflict", in S. Bianchini and
R.C. Nation (eds.), The Yugoslav Conflict and Its Implications for
International Relations (Ravenna, Longo, 1998).
- "The European Union in the Former Yugoslavia", in A. Chayes
and A.H. Chayes, Preventing Conflict in the Post-Communist World:
Mobilizing International and Regional Organizations (Washington,
Brookings Institution, 1996).
- "The Former Yugoslavia: Lessons of War and Diplomacy", in
SIPRI Yearbook 1995 (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1996).
- "Extended Peacekeeping", in Future International Peace
Operations (US Congress, OTA, Washington, D.C., 1995).
- "The United States and Western Europe", in L.C. Brown, Centerstage:
American Diplomacy Since World Two (New York, Holmes and Meier,
Dr. Matteo Luigi Napolitano
[email protected]
Status: Researcher
in History of International Relations
Personal profile:
Laurea (University of Urbino, 1984); post-graduate course in Contemporary
History , (University of Urbino, 1986); Ph.D. in History of International
relations (University of Rome, 1994). A researcher at the University
of Urbino since 1997, Dr. Napolitano cooperates with the Italian Ministry
of Foreign Affairs, and with a number of scholarly journals. In 2001
he has been Gastdozent of the Lehrstuhl f�r internationale Politik of
the Ruhr Universit�t di Bochum.
Areas of interest: The Vatican Diplomacy during
the Cold War period.
Dr. Maria Eleonora Guasconi
[email protected]
Status: Researcher
in History of International Relations
Personal profile:
Laurea (University of Florence, 1990); Ph.D. in History of International
Relations (University of Florence, 1995), Post-Doctoral Fellowship (University
of Florence) 1997, Grant (University of Urbino), 2000.
Areas of Interest: Psychological Warfare during
the Cold War; US-Western Europe relations in the 70s; the Role of Water
in the International System.
Personal profile:
Laurea (University of Perugia, 1994); Research Stage at the Istituto
Affari Internazionali (I.A.I.), Rome, 1996-1997; Ph.D. in History of
International Relations (University of Florence, 2000); Post-Doctoral
Fellowship (University of Urbino), 2001-03.
Areas of Interest: Libya from the origins of its
independence to the Yom Kippur War (1948-1973); The Italian Foreign
Policy in the Mediterranean (1967-1973).
Ph.D. Candidates
Personal profile:
Laurea (University of Urbino); Ph.D. Candidate in History of International
Relations (University of Florence);
Ph.D. Dissertation: "G7 summits and the politics of financial
crises: the case of Mexico 1994".
Areas of Interest: G7/G8 summits, transatlantic relations, international
political dimension of financial crises, Latin-American economic and political
development ...
Personal profile:
Laurea (University of Urbino, 2001); Ph.D. Candidate in History of International
Relations (University of Florence, 2002-2005).
Ph.D. Dissertation:
New dimensions of American National Security in a post-Cold War
era: Transatlantic Partnership between technological competition and European
politico-military autonomy.
Areas of Interest:
The transatlantic defense market, the evolution of the European Security
and Defence Policy (ESDP).
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