Professor (tenure, 2000) of History of International Relations and of
History of European Integration.
Personal profile:
Laurea (University of Padua, 1976); C.N.R. scholar at the University of
Reading (1976-77); research fellow, European University Institute (1978-81);
C.N.R. scholar, University of Reading (1982). Researcher, University of
Florence, 1984; Visiting fellow, Southampton University (1986-87), associate
of the Mountbatten Centre for International Policy Studies since 1987.
Associate Professor of History of International Relations, University
of Florence, 1992; Jean Monnet Chair in History of European Integration
since 1996, Director of the postgraduate course "Master in European Studies"
since 1996-97. Since 1992 Prof. Varsori is the Italian representative
in the "Groupe de Liaison" of Historians set up by the European Commission.
He is a member of the Editorial Board of the "Journal of European Integration
History" and he is also assistant editor of the review "Storia delle relazioni
internazionali". He is jointly responsible for the international research
project on: "L'Europe, ses marges et les autres" and he is a member of
the "Steering Committee" of the international research project on: Europe,
East and West, in the Cold War (1943-89) and has participated to the organization
of a series of international conferences connected to this research project.
Prof. Varsori has participated to a large number of conferences in Italy
and abroad and has lectured at the London School of Economics, Southampton
University, Essex University, King's College of London, Universit� de
Grenoble, Universit� de Paris I Sorbonne, Universit� de Paris IV Sorbonne,
Universit� III Sorbonne Nouvelle, Istituto Universitario Europeo, Institut
Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales (Gen�ve), Consejo Superior
de Investigaciones Cientificas (Madrid).
Areas of Interest: History of
European Integration; history of Italian Foreign Policy; history
of post 1945 British Foreign Policy.
Status: Associate
professor of History of International Relations at University of Padua.
- Il partito socialista e il Patto Atlantico, Milano, Angeli, 1976;
- Alle origini del blocco occidentale, Padova, Signum, 1983;
- Gli Stati Uniti e l'integrazione europea : appunti dalle lezioni, Danilo
Ardia, Padova, 1994.
Areas of interest and research projects: History
of US foreign policy, history of US-Western European relations during
the Cold War.
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