Dr. Maria Stella Rognoni

Research Fellow of History of International Relations


Personal profile:

Laurea (University of Florence, 1992); October 1992 - February 1993, stage at the European Commission (DG VIII); April-December 1993, Research Assistant, OSCE; January-June 1994 and December 1994 - June 1995, consultant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Ph. D. in History of International Relations (University of Florence, 2000), Post-Doctoral Fellowship (University of Florence), 2001.


a) Books:

Scacchiera congolese: Materie prime, decolonizzazione e guerra fredda nell'Africa dei primi anni Sessanta, Firenze, Polistampa, 2003.

b) Edited Books:

Cura e nota introduttiva (pp. XIII-XXXII) del volume: Organizzazioni non governative e governi: un tandem per lo sviluppo, Roma, Asal e L'Harmattan Italia, 1995 (edizione italiana di Non-Governmental Organisations and Governments: Stakeholders for Development, Development Centre of the OECD, Paris 1993).

Areas of Interest:

Cold War in Africa, decolonisation in the 60's; Indian Foreign Policy; North-South issues.

Last update: 20 June 2003