Dr. Duccio Basosi

Research Fellow of History of International Relations


Personal profile:

  • Born in Florence, June 29, 1974.
  • 1993. Classic Maturity Diploma at Liceo-Ginnasio "Dante Alighieri" of Florence with a score of 56/60
  • 2000. Degree in Political Sciences at the Faculty "Cesare Alfieri" of the University of Florence, 110/110 magna cum laude and formal mention for publication of the thesis:
    - Title of the thesis: "La politica monetaria internazionale dell'amministrazione Nixon e l'Europa,
    1971-1973" (Nixon's International Monetary Policy and Europe)
    - Supervisor: Prof. Ennio Di Nolfo
    - "Valerio Finardi Award" for the most valuable graduation thesis in History of International Relations.
  • 2004. Ph.D. in History of International Relations:
    - Title of the research thesis: "Nixon e il governo del dollaro: la politica economica internazionale degli Stati Uniti dal 1969 al 1973" (Nixon and the Dollar: U.S. International Economic Policy from 1969 to 1973)
    - Supervisor: Prof. Ennio Di Nolfo, Full Professor of History of International Relations
    - Research done at the National Archives of the United States at College Park, Maryland (USA), and at the Historical Archives of the European Communities in Florence, Italy.
  • Lecturer of "Globalization and its Consequences" and "European Union Law" at the Lorenzo de' Medici Institute, Florence.
  • Member of the research group for the National Research Project coordinated by Prof. Di Nolfo: "From the Hopes of Helsinki to the Uncertainty of New International Order, 1975-1991".


Il crollo di Bretton Woods tra teoria economica e realpolitik, in "Storia delle relazioni internazionali", anno XIV, 1999, 2.
Organismi geneticamente modificati: una questione di politica internazionale
, in "Menabò di Etica ed Economia", anno XIII, n. 6, dicembre 2004.
[currently in print] Alle radici della rivoluzione neoliberista: Nixon e l'abbandono di Bretton Woods
, in "Italia Contemporanea", Carocci Editore, Roma.
[currently in print] Nixon e il governo del dollaro. La politica economica internazionale degli Stati Uniti nei primi anni Settanta
, Polistampa, Firenze.

Areas of Interest:

International political economy; European Monetary Integration; US/European relations since World War II; US foreign policy.

Latest update: 28 March 2005