Highlights & News
Call for Applications: The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy
By admin | June 2, 2009
Berlin, 27th – 31st July, 2009
The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy will bring together young leaders from across the world for a program of lectures, panel discussions, and seminars lead by leading figures from international relations. The following are a selection of the speakers during the Symposium:
Jorge Sampaio UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, Former President of Portugal
Joaqim Chissano Former President of Mozambique, Former Chairperson of the African Union
Dr. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga Former President of Latvia
Cassam Uteem Former, President of the Republic of Mauritius
Dr. Erkki Tuomioja Former Foreign Minister of Finland
Borys Tarasyuk Former Foreign Minister of the Ukraine
Samuel Jones Head of Culture, Demos
Further information about the Symposium, including the full list of speakers, can be found under www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php?en_calendar_symposium-2009.
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is also currently accepting applications for our programs:
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders, Berlin, 21st – 26th June, 2009
The United States Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leader, Berlin, 29th June – 4th July, 2009
Further information about the activities of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy can be found under
I would be grateful if you could forward the text below on to any students who you feel may be interested in attending.
With warm regards,
Mark Donfried
Director & Founder
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
Keithstr. 14, Berlin, D-10787 Germany
Phone: +49/(0)30 2360 7680
Fax: +49/(0)30 2360 768 11
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Junior Professional Fellows Program - United Nations University - New York Office (UNU-ONY)
By CIMA | May 16, 2009
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The United Nations University Office at the United Nations, New York (UNU-ONY) recruits Junior Professional Fellows (JPFs) for two sessions each year running from August to January, and February to July. The internship title, “Junior Professional Fellows” reflects the high level of responsibility and opportunity given to those accepted into this program.
Applications Deadlines:
August 1st to January 31st Session: May 31st.
February 1st to July 31st Session: November 30th;
Candidates selected for the current recruitment session will be informed by the beginning of July 2009.
For more information, please visit: www.ony.unu.edu/internships
As a UN agency, the aim of the UNU is to function as a think tank of and for the UN, and to bridge the gap between policy makers and academia. The UNU Office in New York’s areas of responsibility include Events, Marketing, Partnership-Fundraising, Policy Research and work on Latin America.
The UNU-ONY, in its work, liaises with the UN System, the Permanent Missions, academia, NGOs, foundations and the private sector.
Please circulate this announcement to students, colleagues and friends who may be interested in participating or in disseminating this great opportunity for young professionals.
The UNU-ONY Team
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Assistant Professor in Political History after 1500 - Utrecht University
By CIMA | May 16, 2009
Dear colleague
We have a position available for an Assistant Professor in Political History - see below. Would you be so kind to bring this to the attention of potential candidates?
Best regards, Ido de Haan
Faculty of Humanities
Utrecht University has developed into one of Europe’s largest and most prominent institutions for research and education. The Faculty of Humanities, with nearly 7.000 students and nearly 900 staff members, offers an inspiring and dynamic working environment. Our research and education programmes focus on language, culture, history, arts, literature, media, philosophy and theology, covering the period from classical antiquity to the present day. We pay special attention to interdisciplinary and international collaboration. The research programmes are organised in four institutes:
- Research Institute for History and Culture (OGC),
- Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS (UiL OTS),
- ZENO Research Institute for Philosophy,
- Research Institute for Theology and Religious Studies (INTEGON).
The Faculty of the Humanities consists of seven schools, including the school of History and Art History, offering both BA and MA degrees in these fields. The Utrecht University Graduate School of Humanities monitors and guarantees the outstanding quality of education programmes for Research Master and PhD students. Research
All faculty is appointed within one of seven departments. The historians within the Department of History and Art History are participating in the section for Ancient History, Medieval History, Cultural History after 1500, Social and Economic History after 1500, History of International Relations after 1500 or Political History after 1500.
The section of Political History offers a position for an:
Assistant Professor in Political History after 1500 (1,0 fte)
Job description
The Political History section of the Department of History and Art History has a full-time position available per 15 August 2009 for an Assistant Professor (‘universitair docent’) in Political History after 1500.
The Political History section is responsible for education and research in the field of political history after 1500. Politics is conceived in a broad sense, as the struggle between social sections in the context of institutional structures, cultural practices and social and economic developments. Much of the attention is focused on political relations within national states, fully aware however of the historical and varied nature of the state and its development, often in competition with other forms of political organization, like empires or city-states. Moreover, these ‘internal’ political relations are always conceptualized in connection with inter- and transnational political developments, in close collaboration with the section for the History of International Relations within the Department of History.
The members of the Political History section cover all periods from early modern to contemporary history, yet the history of the nineteenth and twentieth century is better represented than early modern history. Three themes receive special attention: the social and political aspects of war and violent conflict; political regime changes; and normative order and integration. These themes are also addressed in the contribution of the section for Political History to the Bachelor and Master curriculum of the History Department, as are perhaps more obvious topics, like the history of state formation and the history of political ideologies and movements.
Geographically, the focus of research and teaching is now on Western Europe, and often more particularly the Netherlands. The Political History section, however, seeks to broaden its geographical scope. Therefore, we are looking for an Assistant Professor working in early modern or modern history of Europe from an international and/or transnational perspective. We are particularly interested in historians working on areas like the Mediterranean, the Ottoman Empire, or Central and Eastern European history. Knowledge of other disciplines, like philosophy or the social sciences, is a bonus.
We look for experienced scholars with an established research and teaching background in History. The successful candidate
- is an authority in political history, as demonstrated by a PhD thesis in this domain and by publications in authoritative journals and books;
- is a qualified and stimulating teacher;
- has the potential to (further) develop a research line in modern political history;
- can raise external funding from national and international scientific grant institutions
- has an international scholarly network
- if from abroad, is able and willing to settle in the Netherlands and to learn Dutch.
Terms of employment
You will be assigned to courses on Bachelor and Masters level, for 60% of the appointment; the remaining 40% will be devoted to research. All faculty of the Department are required to contribute to committee work.
The appointment will be on a full-time tenure track contract. After one year on a temporary basis, there will be an assessment of performance based on established criteria concerning research and teaching. If the outcome of the assessment is positive, the assistant professor will be given a permanent appointment.
We offer a salary dependent on qualifications and work experiences from € 3195.- (scale 11) gross per month up to a maximum of € 4,970,- (scale 12) gross per month for a full-time position. The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8,3% per year. In addition we offer: a pension scheme, a partially paid parental leave, and flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities.
Further details
For further details about the position, please contact Professor Ido de Haan, +31 (0)30 253 7854 or at [email protected]
How to apply
Please send your application including a motivation, a curriculum vitae, and a list of publications before 1 June 2009 to the Personnel and Organisation department, attention of Ms I. Wagenaar, mentioning vacancy 68914. Address: Kromme Nieuwegracht 46, 3512 HJ Utrecht, The Netherlands or email: [email protected].
Kindly refer to this medium.
Interviews are provisionally planned in the week of 15 June.
Ido de Haan | Hoogleraar Politieke geschiedenis na 1500 | Departementshoofd | Departement Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis | Universiteit Utrecht | Drift 10 | Kamer 1.04| NL - 3512 BS Utrecht | T. +31(0)30 253 7854 | [email protected] | www.hum.uu.nl |
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NATO internship programme for positions in 2010
By CIMA | May 16, 2009
We are happy to inform you that NATO is now accepting applications for its internship programme for positions in 2010. We will be accepting applications until 6 June 2009. For more detailed information about the programme, I encourage you to consult our website at: http://www.nato.int/structur/interns/index.html
You will find two attachments to this message; the first is a poster advertising the programme and the second is our programme brochure.
We would be grateful if you could distribute this advertisement to any potential pools of applicants that you may think of. It would also be useful to post a link to our website on your site, or any sites that you think could target potential candidates.
Thank you very much for your help and do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information.
Antoaneta BOEVA
NATO Internship Programme
0032 (0) 707 7918
[email protected]
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Conferenza Prof. G. Migone “1989: in bilico tra passato e futuro” - Univ. di Firenze
By CIMA | May 12, 2009
Giovedì 14 maggio, alle ore 17.30, presso il Dipartimento di Studi sullo Stato (D5, aula 107) dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, il prof. Giangiacomo Migone (Università di Torino) terrà una lezione dal titolo “1989: in bilico tra passato e futuro”.
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Weeklong Seminar: 8–13 June 2009, Berlin
By admin | May 4, 2009
Cultural Diplomacy in the Mediterranean: A Forum for Young Leaders
Weeklong Seminar: 8^th – 13^th June, 2009, Berlin*
Now Accepting Applications
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is delighted to announce the inaugural Weeklong Seminar for our program /Cultural Diplomacy in the Mediterranean: A Forum for Young Leaders/. We are currently accepting applications for the Weeklong Seminar and I would be grateful if you could forward the announcement text (below) to anyone who you feel may be interested.
Cultural Diplomacy in the Mediterranean: A Forum for Young Leaders/ (CDM) was developed from the recognition that the Mediterranean region is instrumental in the future of international affairs. It consists of a network of likeminded individuals with diverse academic and professional backgrounds who conduct ongoing activity to support stronger international and intercultural cooperation in the Mediterranean region.
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an independent, not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation based in Berlin that works to promote the theoretical and practical development of cultural diplomacy.
Mark Donfried
Founder & Director
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
Tel: (+49) 30 2360 7680
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.culturaldiplomacy.org
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Summer School 2009: “The New World Order: A place for Europe. The European Union as a Global Actor”
By admin | May 4, 2009
Adjunto en documento PDF un cartel del Summer School 2009: “The New World Order: A place for Europe. The European Union as a Global Actor”, que organiza el Institut Carlemany d’Estudis Europeus de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Agradeceré toda la difusión que se le pueda dar.
Con mucho gusto enviaremos también el cartel en formato papel, si fuera conveniente.
Agradeciéndote la colaboración recibe un cordial saludo.
I am pleased to send to you, as pdf-attachment, the poster of the Summer School 2009: “The New World Order: A place for Europe. The European Union as a Global Actor”, which is organized by the Institut for European Studies at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. The course will be held in July in Barcelona. I would be very grateful if you could spread this information.If needed, we could send also a hard copy of the poster.
Many thanks for your support and best regards,
Prof. Dr. Enrique Banús
Director - Institut Carlemany d’Estudis Europeus
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By admin | April 24, 2009
FIRENZE, 14-15 MAGGIO 2009
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Call for Papers - International Conference: “The Euromissiles Crisis and the End of the Cold War, 1977-1987”
By admin | March 29, 2009
“The Euromissiles Crisis and the End of the Cold War, 1977-1987″
Rome, December 10-12, 2009
Conveners: CIMA – Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies; Cold War International History Project; Craxi Foundation; National Security Archive; University of Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle; University of Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne.
Organized in cooperation with: Bundeskanzler Willy Brandt Stiftung, London School of Economics Cold War Studies Centre.
Scientific Committee: Leopoldo Nuti, Frédéric Bozo, Christian Ostermann, Marie-Pierre Rey, Tom Blanton, Bernd Rother.
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International Round Table “The EU, Russia and the Global Crisis” - Forlì
By admin | March 29, 2009
International Round Table entitled “The EU, Russia and the Global Crisis” which will take place in Forlì on April, 2009, 17th from 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and from 3.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m., and 18th from 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.; in the Great hall of the Garzanti Foundation, Hotel della Città, corso della Repubblica 117. The Round Table will be organized in three sessions: the first one will be focus on “The International Situation and the Geopolitical Framework”; the second one on “The Economic and Financial World Crisis: the Challenges for Russia and the EU” and the third one on “The Global Crisis, Peace and War: the Challenges for Stabilization”. Simultaneously translation in English and Russian will be provided.
The conference is jointly promoted by the Interregional Non-Govermental Organization for Promotion of Cultural Cooperation with EU-countries (Moscow) and the Istituto per l’Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica, University of Bologna, Forlì Campus.
The event is also supported by the Italian Association of Slavists and the Punto Europa (Forlì) and sponsored by the Garzanti Foundation (Forlì), the Chamber of Commerce (Forlì).
For information: [email protected]
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