Archive for aprile, 2015
Scienza e politica nell’era nucleare. La scelta pacifista di Edoardo Amaldi
mercoledì, aprile 22nd, 2015Mercoledì 29 aprile alle ore 17 Lodovica Clavarino presenterà il suo volume: Scienza e politica nell’era nucleare. La scelta pacifista di Edoardo Amaldi pubblicato da Carocci, presso la Fondazione Einaudi di Torino. Oltre all’autrice, all’evento parteciperanno Barbara Curli (Università di Torino), e Francesco Cassata (Università di Genova). La discussione sarà moderata da Battista Gardoncini (giornalista [...]
2 Post-Doctoral positions to prepare a Marie Skłodowska-Curie IF project: History of Nuclear Energy and Society in Europe
venerdì, aprile 17th, 2015We support 2 candidates to Marie Curie Grants to join our international team and carry out research on the History of Nuclear Energy in Europe. Fellowships involve a joint application between the researcher and Universitat Pompeu Fabra. They are for Experienced Researchers (4 years research experience or PhD) moving to Barcelona from another country. Projects [...]
Sino-European Relations during the Cold War and the Rise of a Multipolar World
mercoledì, aprile 8th, 2015Sino-European Relations during the Cold War and the Rise of a Multipolar World combines critical oral history with newly translated documentary sources to provide insights into the dynamics of Sino-European relations, past and present, and recent and ongoing global power shifts. Edited by Enrico Fardella, Christian F. Ostermann, and Charles Kraus, Sino-European Relations during the [...]
The Euromissile Crisis and the End of the Cold War
mercoledì, aprile 8th, 2015In the late 1970s, new generations of nuclear delivery systems were proposed for deployment across Eastern and Western Europe. The ensuing controversy grew to become a key phase in the late Cold War. This book explores the origins, unfolding, and consequences of that crisis. Contributors from international relations, political science, sociology, and history draw on [...]