Archive for febbraio, 2015
Post-Graduate Summer School 2015
sabato, febbraio 28th, 2015European Summer School Cold War History
lunedì, febbraio 23rd, 2015CfA: IAEA Nuclear History Fellowship in Vienna
sabato, febbraio 7th, 2015CfA: IAEA Nuclear History Fellowship in Vienna The IAEA History Research Project in Vienna, a partner of the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project, is pleased to announce a 3-month research fellowship for a scholar studying the history of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). This fellowship will provide a unique opportunity to explore various archival [...]
Summer School for Ph.D. students in International Relations
sabato, febbraio 7th, 2015The Bruno Kessler Foundation’s Center for Research on International Politics and Conflict Resolution would like to announce its first annual Summer School for Ph.D. students in International Relations. The workshop, which will focus on dissertation research, will take place from June 21-25, 2015 in Terzolas, Italy, near beautiful Madonna di Campiglio. Meals and accommodations will [...]
Call for Applications: 2015 Summer Institute on Conducting Archival Research
sabato, febbraio 7th, 2015Call for Applications: 2015 Summer Institute on Conducting Archival Research Applications are now being accepted for the 2015 Summer Institute on Conducting Archival Research. The Summer Institute on Conducting Archival Research (SICAR) is a four-day seminar in which Ph.D. students receive training in conducting archival research from world-class faculty, researchers, archivists, and publishers. Although archival [...]
Bourse Henri Rieben - Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe
lunedì, febbraio 2nd, 2015(Année académique 2015 – 2016) La Bourse Henri Rieben de la Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe est mise au concours pour la cinquième année consécutive. Dotée d’un montant de 3’000 CHF par mois, la Bourse permet à des chercheurs du monde entier de niveau doctoral avancé de séjourner à la Fondation pour une durée de [...]