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ottobre: 2014
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Archive for ottobre, 2014

Apply for the 2015 Nuclear History Boot Camp

lunedì, ottobre 27th, 2014

Aimed at building a new generation of experts on the international history of nuclear weapons, the fifth-annual Nuclear History Boot Camp is an initiative of the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project (NPIHP). The continued proliferation of nuclear weapons is one of the most pressing security issues of our time, yet the empirically-based study of international [...]

CALL FOR PAPERS - The Great Transformation? Reassessing the Causes and Consequences of the End of the Cold War

domenica, ottobre 26th, 2014

CALL FOR PAPERS The Great Transformation? Reassessing the Causes and Consequences of the End of the Cold War The Department of International History of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, with the support from the Fondation Pierre du Bois pour l’Histoire du Temps Présent, will host an international conference on the end of [...]

Isodarco 28th Winter Course

martedì, ottobre 14th, 2014

Guido Carli fra politica e economia

lunedì, ottobre 13th, 2014

Workers of all lands unite? Working-class nationalism and internationalism until 1945 CALL FOR PAPERS

mercoledì, ottobre 8th, 2014

Workers of all lands unite? Working-class nationalism and internationalism until 1945 CALL FOR PAPERS 7th March 2015, University of Nottingham September 2014 marked the 150th anniversary of the founding of the International Workingmen’s Association, or First International. Between 1864 and today, the cause, practice, and history of working-class internationalism has undergone many changes, and has appeared [...]

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