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Nuclear History Boot Camp - Spring 2014
By admin | novembre 19, 2013
Aimed at building a new generation of experts on the international history of nuclear weapons, the fourth-annual Nuclear History Boot Camp is an initiative of the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project (NPIHP). NPIHP’s Nuclear Boot Camp is an intensive, ten-day immersion in the history of nuclear matters ranging from the evolution of nuclear technology to the origins and development of deterrence theory and nuclear strategy through the historical roots of today’s global
nuclear landscape.
NPIHP’s summer 2014 Nuclear Boot Camp will be hosted by the University of Roma Tre and the Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies (CIMA) at a former ACE HIGH NATO communications relay site in the village of Allumiere near Rome, Italy for ten days beginning in mid May 2014.
The summer 2014 Nuclear Boot Camp is open to: students enrolled in or who have been accepted to a Ph.D. program in international relations, history, political science and related fields; applicants who have completed their M.A. degree and are considering a Ph.D. in any of the above fields will also be considered.
The call for application will be open until December 31st, 2013. For more information go to:
or write to: [email protected]
Topics: 05 Master and Schools, Atomic Energy Issues | Commenti disabilitati
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