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International Intelligence History Association Annual Conference CFP, Paris 1-3 June 2012
By admin | aprile 10, 2012
The International Intelligence History Association, of which I am a founding member, plans to hold it’s next annual conference at the École militaire in Paris on 1-3 June 2012. This year’s topic is “Intelligence Services and Activities of the European Powers: France, Germany, Great Britain and Italy”. Please help me spread the message to any Italian PhD students or junior scholars as well as to senior scholars and former practitioners you may be aware of. The call for papers is still open for a few days and can be found on our website — www.intelligence-history.org — As I am a member of the program committee I very much hope that Italy will be well represented. Perhaps you and I can get together in Paris on that occasion!
Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Krieger
Universität Marburg
35032 Marburg
Topics: 01 Call for Papers, 02 Conferences and Seminars, Europe | Commenti disabilitati
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