Archive for settembre, 2011
Bando per posizione di Direttore UNESCO
giovedì, settembre 29th, 2011La Rappresentanza Permanente d’Italia presso l’Unesco invia, per opportuna informazione e diffusione, il seguente bando pubblicizzato dall’Unesco : – Director, Division for Cultural Expressions and Heritage (CLT-079, D-1). Per maggiori informazioni e per inviare la propria candidatura gli interessati possono consultare il sito dell’UNESCO: Rappresentanza Permanente d’Italia presso l’UNESCO 1, rue Miollis 75015 PARIS [...]
10th Annual International Graduate Conference on the Cold War
giovedì, settembre 29th, 2011The 10th Annual International Graduate Conference on the Cold War, organised by the LSE IDEAS Cold War Studies Programme, GWU and UCSB, will be hosted by LSE 19-21 April 2012. Full information can be found here: __________________________________ Wes Ullrich Marshall-Baruch Fellow Pinto PhD Scholar, LSE IDEAS-Cold War Studies Programme Department of International History London School of Economics [...]
CfP: East-West cultural exchanges and the Cold War (Jyväskylä, Finland, 14-16 June 2012)
giovedì, settembre 29th, 2011Deadline for abstracts: 1 December 2011 This multi-disciplinary conference seeks to explore the vast and mostly uncharted role played by cultural exchange and cultural currents in the development of the Cold War, especially in the context of East-West relations. Cultural exchange in the Cold War has received little attention compared to traditional areas of Cold [...]
CFR Invitation for 9/28 Academic Conference Call: “Israel and Palestine: A Fragile Relationship”
mercoledì, settembre 28th, 2011On behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), I am delighted that you will participate in the next session of the CFR Fall 2011 Academic Conference Call series on Wednesday, September 28, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. (ET). Robert Danin, CFR’s Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies, will discuss [...]
Serata “Szymborska e Milosz - omaggio ai poeti Nobel della Polonia” - 27/09/2011
lunedì, settembre 26th, 201127 Settembre 2011 Serata “Szymborska e Milosz - omaggio ai poeti Nobel della Polonia” Firenze, Life Beyond Tourism - Auditorium al Duomo, Via de’ Cerretani 54/r ore 19.30 - ingresso libero LOCANDINA dell’EVENTO >>>
CFR Invitation: 9/15 Academic Conference Call: “Ten Years After 9/11″
giovedì, settembre 15th, 2011On behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), I invite you and your students to participate in the first session of the Fall 2011 CFR Academic Conference Call series on Thursday, September 15, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. (ET). Stuart A. Levey, senior fellow for national security and financial integrity at CFR, will discuss [...]