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CIMA is Partner of the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project
By admin | maggio 5, 2011
CIMA proudly announces the first Nuclear Boot Camp, jointly organized with the Wilson Center and the other partners of the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project. The Camp will be held at the newly acquired facilities of Roma Tre University in Allumiere, Italy, and will last from May 23 to May 31, 2011. Participants and Instructors can be seen here:
The Nuclear Proliferation International History Project is a global network of institutions and individuals engaged in the study of international nuclear history through archival documents, oral history interviews and other empirical sources. Recognizing that today’s toughest nuclear challenges have roots in the past, NPIHP is transcending the East vs. West paradigm to work towards an integrated international history of nuclear weapons and their role in geo-politics. NPIHP’s research aims to fill in the blank and blurry pages of nuclear proliferation history in order to inform scholarship and public policy.
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