Archive for maggio, 2011
CFP International Conference at University of Hyderabad, India
martedì, maggio 31st, 2011International Conference on Language, Society and Culture in Asian Contexts March 8 – 10, 2012 at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India Website: Organized by Centre for Study of Foreign Languages, School of Humanities University of Hyderabad, India and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Mahasarakham University, Thailand CFP - Read More >>>
CIMA is Partner of the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project
giovedì, maggio 5th, 2011CIMA proudly announces the first Nuclear Boot Camp, jointly organized with the Wilson Center and the other partners of the Nuclear Proliferation International History Project. The Camp will be held at the newly acquired facilities of Roma Tre University in Allumiere, Italy, and will last from May 23 to May 31, 2011. Participants and Instructors [...]
Iniziative nell’ambito del Festival d’Europa - Università di Firenze
mercoledì, maggio 4th, 2011Nell’ambito del Festival d’Europa, e con un sensibile apporto del Centro d’eccellenza Jean Monnet, dal 6 al 10 maggio 2011 si terranno varie iniziative a Firenze: . EUROPA IN RICERCA, 7 maggio 2011 - Ore 9.30 Aula Magna Rettorato, P.zza S. Marco, 4 - Firenze Programma >>> La Scommessa Jean Monnet. L’Europa e l’innovazione nella [...]
CFR Invitation: 5/5 Special Conference Call: “Osama Bin Laden’s Death and the Future of Al-Qaeda”
mercoledì, maggio 4th, 2011SPECIAL CFR CONFERENCE CALL: OSAMA BIN LADEN’S DEATH AND THE FUTURE OF AL-QAEDA Thursday, May 5 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. (ET) with Elliott Abrams Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, CFR On behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), I invite you to participate in a special CFR conference call on Thursday, May 5, [...]
Giornate sul Mediterraneo - Firenze
martedì, maggio 3rd, 2011L’assessorato alle Politiche Giovanili, il Centro Interuniversitario Machiavelli, il Forum per i Problemi della Pace e della Guerra e il centro d’eccellenza Jean Monnet dell’Università di Firenze, in collaborazione con il Festival dei Popoli, organizzano una serie di incontri denominati “Giornate sul Mediterraneo” dedicate all’analisi delle recenti vicende nei paesi dell’Africa Settentrionale. Gli incontri si [...]