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Multipart International Conference - Pisa 22-23 september 2010

By admin | settembre 21, 2010

La scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa organizza la Multipart International Conference d’intesa con tutti i partner del progetto Multipart (www.multi-part.eu), cofinanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ambito del Settimo Programma Quadro.

Il CIMA è uno dei 12 partner.


Multi-stakeholder Partnerships in conflict-affected countries

Multi-Part Project Final Conference

Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies – Pisa (Italy)

September 22-23, 2010

Can multi-stakeholder partnerships positively impact on human security and thus, facilitate non-violence and long-term peace, providing a productive framework for relations between local actors and external actors, including third party mediators and international organizations? How and under what conditions?

MultiPart Project, supported by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme of the Europea n Union for research, technological development and demonstration activities, socio-economic and humanities research, has carried out a thirty-month investigation involving eleven European research institutions, in order to explore opportunities to directly impact on partnerships that are evolving in conflict-affected societies and to reflect on the role played by partnerships’ stakeholders, including international actors.

This two-day event will provide the occasion to present and evaluate the strategic findings of the research project and stimulate dialogue among scholars and stakeholders actively engaged in the issue of post-conflict development, and promote informed exchange on the nature and role of multi-stakeholder partnerships in conflict-affected countries.
On the first day renowned experts from academia and International Organizations will address crucial issues in the current debate over MSPs in conflict affected countries, providing a combination of theoretic and technical expertise as well as political insights.

On the second day the debate will be organised in two panels around the strategic findings of the Project and will engage selected Mutli-stakeholder Partnerhips’ representatives from private, public and civic sectors, donors’ representatives and local researchers from the study countries of the Project - Kosovo, DRC and Afghanistan.
Your participation is highly welcome!

For more information, please contact the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies - MultiPart Project Coordinator – [email protected] or +39 050 883716. Visit the Project website at http://www.multi-part.eu

Multipart International Conference Flyer >>>

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