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settembre: 2009
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Archive for settembre, 2009

CFP Conference Unthinking the Imaginary War. Intellectual Reflections of the Nuclear Age, 1945-1990

martedì, settembre 29th, 2009

Please, find attached the Call for Papers for the conference: Unthinking the Imaginary War. Intellectual Reflections of the Nuclear Age, 1945-1990 International Conference, jointly organised by the Centre for Peace History, University of Sheffield, and the Arbeitskreis für Historische Friedensforschung, in collaboration with the German Historical Institute London and the German Historical Institute Rome Date [...]

Seminar - Prof. M. Spektor - Università di Firenze

domenica, settembre 20th, 2009

Giovedì 1° ottobre 2009 alle ore 15.00 presso il Dipartimento di Studi sullo Stato (edificio D5, aula seminari III piano) Il Prof. Matias Spektor (Coordinatore del centro di Relazioni Internazionali dell’Università CPDOC/FGV di Rio de Janeiro) terrà un seminario rivolto agli studenti del dottorato di ricerca in “Storia delle Relazioni Internazionali” dal titolo: “Methods and [...]

HEIRS Colloquium 15-16 April 2010, University of Reading, UK

sabato, settembre 19th, 2009

Sixth History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) Colloquium 15-16 April 2010, University of Reading, UK CALL FOR PAPERS >>>

Travel Grants offered by UACES to PhD students

sabato, settembre 19th, 2009

UACES is offering travel grants (up to £4,000) to PhD students who need to do field-work in 2010. The grants are awarded on a competitive basis. Full details can be found at: http://www.uaces.org/awards/scholarships/ The deadline to apply is 5 October 2009. The project is co-funded by the European Commission.

“The End of the Cold War and the Third World”

martedì, settembre 15th, 2009

24-26 September 2009 Organizzata da IDEAS alla London School of Economics. Link: http://www2.lse.ac.uk/IDEAS/events/forthcomingEvents.aspx

Conferenza Annuale della SISSCO - Trieste

lunedì, settembre 14th, 2009

link: http://www.sissco.it/index.php?id=1480

COLD WAR Interactions Reconsidered - University of Helsinki, Finland, 29–31 October 2009

lunedì, settembre 14th, 2009

Aleksanteri Conference 2009 Welcome to the 9th Aleksanteri Conference COLD WAR INTERACTIONS RECONSIDERED University of Helsinki, Finland, 29–31 October 2009 http://www.helsinki.fi/aleksanteri/conference2009/index.htm http://www.helsinki.fi/aleksanteri/conference2009/programme.htm

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna - new Iran Electoral Archive (IEAr) website

martedì, settembre 1st, 2009

The Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna is delighted to announce the launch of the new Iran Electoral Archive (IEAr) website. The key objective of the IEAr is to provide large audiences with a comprehensive and impartial overview on the Iranian electoral system. The Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna has always had an active engagement with Election monitoring and assistance. [...]

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