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International Conference: “Political Mythology and Historical Science”, Sofia, 2-4 April 2009 - CFP
By admin | November 15, 2008
The Faculty of History and Faculty of Philosophy of Sofia University St. Kliment Okhridski
Under the patronage of Prof. D. Hist. Sci. Ivan Ilchev – Rector of Sofia University
And with the support of the WAZ media group – Germany
Organize an international conference:
“Political Mythology and Historical Science”
2-4 April 2009, Sofia
Тhe theme of political mythology and the use of history in politics is serious and up-to- date enough to be the topic of an international interdisciplinary conference moreover taking into account the fact that in Bulgaria it has been dealt with in a sporadic and fragmentary fashion linked with some specific concrete occasions. At the same time that topic is essential in approaching existing problems in social science in general and in History – in particular. Firstly, it touches upon the issue of the professional academic research on one side and the historical simulation of political problems on the other. Historical arguments are actively used by some politicians in order to gain some socio-political legitimacy, by media – probably to gain additional circulation and by thousands of Bulgarians in Internet forums and chat groups that voice their opinion on various items, linked with history. It is exactly the web which explicitly demonstrates in practice the newly acquired abilities of the so-called “ordinary citizen” to find a field of acknowledgement in social life and to interpret political mythology. Thus the creation and existence of history within the space of media with its unavoidable elements of popularization and prophanity is another topic that is worthy of a professional discussion. The problem, which is last but not in its significance is the lack of a “dialogue” within Bulgarian historical science and between historians and non-historians in the major research centers and in social science in general.
This international academic conference dedicated to political myths and history is seen as a forum that will lead to the creation of a more dialogic environment in Bulgarian social science and to a more thorough analysis of such complex social phenomena as political myths.
This call for papers is targeted at historians, philosophers, political scientists, cultural studies experts, art historians, journalists so that political mythology to be covered in its various representations and relevance to other phenomena as nationalism, political culture, religion, civil rituals, cults, stereotypes etc.
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