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CFP: Tagung/Conference “Wahrheitsmaschinen” / “Machines of Truth”
By admin | July 5, 2008
Dear colleagues:
Attached please find a »Call for Papers« of the international, interdisciplinary conference »Machines of Truth: The Impact of Technological Innovations on the Representation and the Image of War in the Media and the Arts« which will take place at Osnabrueck September 3–6, 2009, and will be organized by the Erich Maria Remarque-Peace Center/University of Osnabrueck, Germany.
We would very much appreciate it if you are able to participate, and if you can inform other colleagues about this conference who might be interested in the subject.
Sincerely yours
PD Dr. Thomas F. Schneider
Erich Maria Remarque Peace Center/University of Osnabrueck
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