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Conference in Paris: Liberal Peace: Value-Based External Models and Local Alternatives in Peacebuilding
By admin | March 27, 2008
I would like to take this opportunity to inform you all about a conference that the CERI Program for Peace and Human Security (CPHS) is organizing. The conference, entitled “Liberal Peace: Value-Based External Models and Local Alternatives in Peacebuilding,” will be held in Paris on June 16-17, 2008.
As per the Concept Paper enclosed, the purpose of the conference is to explore the liberal peace model, its wide variety of interpretations and conceptualizations, and the challenges it has faced. Plenary sessions will focus on theoretical and critical debates on liberal peace, as well as on the role and nature of the state in post-conflict situations. Parallel workshop sessions will be devoted to the challenges of democratization, economic liberalization, and local alternatives that have emerged.
The CPHS has been involved in research and dialogue on the validity and challenges of the liberal peace model in post conflict situations. Our own research in Afghanistan, which will be presented for the first time at this conference, highlights the gaps that exist between local populations and the international community on models of peace and modalities of peacebuilding around a set of assumptions.
We have confirmed some wonderful speakers thus far and are awaiting a host of other confirmations. In addition, we have sent out a call for papers (attached). Some of the confirmed speakers include:
Mark Duffied, Bristol University
Astri Surhke, Chr. Michelsen Institute
Oliver Richmond, University of St Andrews
Michael Pugh, University of Bradford
Robin Luckham, University of Sussex
We would be delighted to include participants among our EU project partners. In addition, we would appreciate suggestions from you regarding other potential participants, particularly scholars, practitioners and policymakers coming from countries in which international peace operations have taken or are currently taking place.
Should you have any questions or would be interested in further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or visit our website at www.peacecenter.sciences-po.fr.
Looking forward to meeting you all in Pisa in April and hopefully seeing some of you in Paris in June.
Best regards,
Hitomi Kubo on behalf of Dr. Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh, Director, CPHS
Hitomi Kubo - Responsable de projets
Program for Peace and Human Security (CPHS)
CERI- Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Internationales de Sciences Po
[email protected]
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